hi Lisa

for you as it's sounds like you need them. We went through this with Imogen about a month ago and I thought I would share what we did as it has worked for us...
I read up on: controlled crying, lots of posts around this topic, asked mums I knew and we sort of came up with our own way and stuck to it... that seems to be the trick...
so we agreed:
I would put Imogen to bed until the routine was established.
after feeding her in bedroom (lights low etc.) I would lay her on her back in her cot, dummy in and leave her.
I left her for 2 minutes at first because she cried almost straight away as soon as she realised mummy had gone and wasn't coming back for cuddles! then went back, she was usually up on her knees so I would lay her back down on her back (not pick her up to settle her or cuddle her) and put dummy in. say shhhh shhhhh a couple of times, pat her back a couple of times and go again. I left it 2 mins again, did this again and again, but extended to 3 mins, then 4... so here's what happened.
night 1 - she cried for 20 minutes (and boy did she cry!) before she was asleep. but I knew it was attention because she would calm straight away when I entered the room, or she heard me on the stairs - soon as I went...more crying..
night 2 - went in 5 minute intervals cried for 10 minutes
night 3 - didn't go in she was asleep after 5 minutes of crying (crying at this point was becoming less distressed/angry..it was more of a whimpering / grizzle)
night 4 ... couple of whimpers but no crying
now most of the time she actually goes off no problem, at most she whimpers or grizzles a bit.
during the day we put her in her pram with a dummy and blanket in the hallway and leave her. again, she picked this up really quickly and occassionally she whimpers or grizzles but nothing major.
We agreed we would not pick her up but keep lying her down and leave her.
Maybe we have been lucky.. I have a friend whose son has cried for up to 4 hours using this method. Personally I could not leave it that long

. but this was on the advice of her HV ...
Anyway, I think they key is perseverence and consistency. there have been a couple of occassions maybe during the day where she has just not gone off and we have thought maybe she wasn't tired enough, so we allow her up and she plays by herself for a bit to wear her out (no real "attention" from us) and when we see more of the eye rubbing, ear pulling, we put her in her pram etc.
I agree with lauramumof2 that picking up LO could be sending mixed messages to your LO - it could be confusing for him.
Good luck with it Lisa, it not easy at all. Keep posting with updates and maybe you will get some good ideas from people that you can use.