Sleep patterns

Ali K

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2006
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My 4 and 1/2 month old used to sleep really well, about 10 hours in total each night, but over the last 2 weeks or so he's changed completely!! Her wakes every 2-3 hours, sometimes for a feed but often he can be settled to sleep again!

I've heard that this is because they are going through a huge neurological growth spurt but has anyone else experienced this?

What a pain! How long does it last?
Could be that he's hungry. Could you speak to your Health Visitor about weaning him early? Give him some baby rice and that might make all the difference.
Im going through the same thing with Nathan who is also 4 and a half months old. Nathan isnt hungry as he is weaned already and has 4 8 oz bottles, my hv said it was probably teething as when he is asleep he is also moaning alot. He wakes up every 2-3 hours now, and this morning he was in tears and 4.30 until he settled again at 5.30.
melissa is almost 4 months and been the same for a week. she used 2 sleep from 8pm-8am with one feed at 3.30- now shes waking at 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am, 6am :wall: its well tiring!
i spoke 2 the HVs 2day and they said 2 try 2 stick it out 4 another week as it may be a growth spurt. if it dont improve then she may need 2 start baby rice. in the mean time im 2 feed her more in the day so she needs less at nite. i hope it improves for us all!

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