Sleep - Or Lack of it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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The last fortnight harrison has been a nightmare, he goes to bed around 7:30pm and fusses in his cot for 30 minutes to an hour (standing up, pulling at the bumper, crying etc) then he's started waking from 3:30am and doing the same in his cot, this continues until we get up at 6am. We keep going in there, give him his dummy lay him down etc and he just gets up again.

I can't take much more of it to be honest, working full time studying with the OU :(

I need some advice how to tackle it. And to add he has 1 1 hour nap a day normally but has started wanting two with his early morning starts.

Please help!!
I have no advice Em - sorry :hug:

It sounds like a phase though to me, Sam has been like this lately.

Has Harrison been clingy? Sam has been really clingy to me the last few weeks.
anjali has also just started fussing and crawling round the cot instead of going down right away.
i also work and to be honest the continuos interrupted sleep is making me really run down, ive just started my fourth cold since december!

sorry i havent got any advice, i think its 'just a phase' :wall:
Yes when he's first put in his cot, but when he wakes he just whinges tbh

I'm really run down too :(
You sound like you have a lot on your plate :hug:

It sounds to me like a faze and his body clock is now set to waking at them times. Dylan went through a faze of this very recently. He was going to bed and waking about 2 or 3 hours after id put him down. He'd stay awake for 2 hours fussing about, whinging etc. HV advised me to do CC which i didn't want to at the time. I decided to follow a book called the baby whisperer. She has techniques whcih she has used for baby's who habitually wake (for no reason i.e. not hungry, nappy wet etc).

Edit to add: if you want me to explain the technique she uses PM me :hug:

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