Sleep in


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Oct 14, 2010
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I'm desperate for sleep!my DD is 15 months old and has always been a good sleeper at night (except for the usual times:teething,growth spurts etc) but has never napped during the day-she has a 20min nap mid morning if I'm lucky I may get a cup of coffee in that time!my problem is that she will not sleep in!!she wakes about 4.45ish every morning n I'm SHATTERED!starting your day at this time makes it a vvvveeerrrryyy long day:wall2:

She goes to bed between 6.30 & 7 (I know this is early but she is shattered by this time!falling asleep nearly when playing and gets clumsy when tired) she has a solid bedtime routine (bath,story,bottle,bed all in her room and put down nearly 2 sleep)

I'm at my wits end as I can't function all day and then I teach on evenings so I'm exhausted any advice on how to get her to sleep in later please??

Should I purchase a Blackout blind,leave her to cry in the morning or change her bedtime to 8 (we have tried this for a couple of weeks and she still wakes at the same time!)
Poor you! The only thing I can suggest is to try and change her bedtime to a little later - I know you said you have tried this but maybe she needs to do it for a few nights to get used to it?? Also, is she full before going to bed at night - maybe she wakes so early because she's hungry?? Sorry I don't have any more suggestions, hopefully you'll get some sleep soon xx
My lo is 14 months too cant get him to stay up past 5 and we are lucky if he sleeps in till 6 our biggest problem is he refuses to have an afternoon nap too. I dont mind too much cos I have a baby too so just get up but its so draining. Have you got any family who can take lo for a night, thats what we do he loves staying at mil house.

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Thanks for the repiles,think I will try to keep her awake a little longer for a week or so.the mil used to offer to have her overnight but the offers seem to have stopped since she started waking at 4.45!lol you can't blame them I wouldn't get up at this time if I didn't have to!

Wifeywifey you must need your sleep more than me with a baby too!I can't imagine having to look after a baby when this sleep deprived!what do you do to entertain your LO to keep him awake on evenings?xx
Sunnysue she is hungry as when she wakes she drowns an 8oz bottle but will not drink her full bottle before bed!I find it difficult to give her a snack before bed as it's so soon after dinner (we eat at 5 so we can eat together before I go to work and when my partner gets home)x
To be honest iv quit trying to keep him up late if he wants to go to bed early I tend to let him because if I play with him to keep him up he lasts about 10 min before starting to cry. I know if he picks up blanket and dummy there isnt much I can do to keep him up. I do make most of the time I get once he is asleep to do jobs and time with oh and baby.

I am exhausted and sometimes feel really rubbish but Elliot who is 11 weeks only wakes up once about 4 so not like im up lots in night.

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Wow what is it about 5am that babies like so much!?

My LO is only 7 m/o but he's got up at 5ish for as long as I can remember. In the last maybe 2 months he's been waking at 5 & he doesn't cry, just has a wee chat to himself & a play then goes back to sleep until about 7. I try & keep it as calm as I can at 5, I fix him in his cot, put his blanket over, dummy in, and stroke his face like bedtime & he normally goes back off

My LO is the exact same he gets up at the same time no matter when he goes to bed!

I would try a snack between 6-6.30. My 19 month old was waking at 5am but since we've started offering a snack she's managing till 7 most mornings x
ZMD thanks for the advice,she has had a snack tonight-I gave her 2!!anything that will fill her up so will see if she will sleep in.

Fingers crossed x
We have had to offer snack before bedtime, 6-630, lo sleep is soo much better. Is you lo small for her age? Chloe is small for her age so she needs little and often, we are just starting to wean her off of her bottle at the moment, 9 times out of 10 she will sleep through now x
Yes she is small for her age but very long do looks even thinner!she eats well but she is the same needs to eat little and often.I have given her 2 snacks and an extra pudding (apple and banana and yoghurt-now I'm worried that I will need to change her nappy in the night :wall2:

Hopefully she will sleep in - god I must have 'wasted' hours in bed before children :nap:
Tigger does Chloe still have a bottle before bed,if so how much?x
Before we started her cereal before bed she used to have 7oz and would then wake 50% of the time and have up to 7oz milk, she then went down to waking occasionally and only having a few oz, we have started to wean her off of the bottle, have now got her down to 3oz in a sippy cup, has not woken in the night for some time and when she does its not through hunger. I also started paying more attention to the types of food she was having for tea, I noticed if she had pasta or potatoes she slept better. Hope ir works for you x
My kids must have read this thread my youngest has just woken for a first feed since 10:30 and my eldest stayed up until 7:30 last night and is just waking up now. Yey

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My kids must have read this thread my youngest has just woken for a first feed since 10:30 and my eldest stayed up until 7:30 last night and is just waking up now. Yey

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Yey!:dance: hope it continues!

So Amelia decided to wake at 11.30,2am & 3am (must have been all the extra food as has a dirty nappy each time!!):wall2: finally woke for the day at 5am!thank goodness it's half term so no work otherwise I would have had to play sleeping lions with the students lol x

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