Sleep help please


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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This week alanna has been going to bed at 4 or 4:30! By 430 its a full out screaming tantrum she wants to goto bed! She has a good nap in the morning, and another one early afternoon (though this is enforced rather than her really wanting too), but cant stay up! :wall2: She got up at 8:30 this morning, but other mornins this week has been getting up at 6am, and thats AWFUL!!!

Anyone help?
Could you try and get her to have her afternoon nap a little later? Tegan doesn't have a morning nap but Naps from 2pm till 3.30pm then bed at 7.30 x
littlemiss - in the afternoon!

She refuses to nap in the afternoon, last few days ive tried for like an hour to get her to sleep, she wont have it!
Maybe she's just having a growth spurt and needs the sleep? Is she ok otherwise,not under the weather at all?
I struggle to get my LO to nap during the day and he's only 6 weeks. He hasn't had any more than 3 hours each day since he was born (he's good at nights tho)

ok little miss.. not sure where the advice was in there though!

yesterday was worse.. she went to sleep at 3:15.. >.<
How about consider that a nap and try and wake her after 2 h? Play with her etc etc and then at 7 s bath and put her down for night?
Tbh hun if she's needing that much sleep I'd let her have it! Is she ok in other ways? Has anythibg changed like started walking or anythibg? I'd be tempted to pop to the doctors as it's a he'll of a lot of sleep for a baby xx

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
That's a lot of sleep - G has 3 naps and then sleeps 7-6am. Sometimes he's awake as early as 5 and if i'm lucky its 0630. Agree with the others that maybe it's a growth spurt - if it was me I would wake her up again at 5pm for dinner, bath, bed and then try to do proper bed time later and then maybe she'll sleep later.
Thanks girls, Ill try waking her up again, I think she must be having a growth spurt, she seems ok otherwise !! if it carries on to the weekend il take her to the doctor
ok little miss.. not sure where the advice was in there though!

yesterday was worse.. she went to sleep at 3:15.. >.<

sorry...I meant to say I dont have any advice....just that we're going thro similar - interested to see the responses


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