slapped cheek!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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I work in a day nursery and a child has a suspected case of slapped cheek! Spoken to my midwife and she said to phone my surgery as a will need a blood test to see if im immune. My doctor said i shouldnt need to worry as the virus is only dangerous in the first 20 weeks and can cause miscarraige and abnormalities in this stage! All the websites ive been on have said the same aswell.

Im still worried though just felt like crying all day and didnt want to be at work, just wanna go on maternity leave now when i know something like this is going around :-(
I've never heard of 'slapped cheek' but I hope everything turns out ok lovely :hug: xx
Thankyou, everything should be fine im just a worrier and so paranoid! It's a virus which is very common in children, adults dont normally get it as most have been exposed and are immune which i probably am! Children normally have fever and a rash on the cheeks and sometimes other bodyparts. Just so worrying all these things we have to worry about!
I expect I'd be freaking if I was in your shoes to be fair... But I just had a quick read and it does say that the majority of adults have had it and maybe not known about it like you say :) So I'm sure you'll be fine :) xx
I have been recently exposed to slapped cheek too - I was 18 weeks pregnant. I have already had a previous pregnancy with a baby that has developed Hydrops which can occur from slapped cheek. I had a blood test straight away and I am not immune :( obviously never had it! So I'm now waiting on another blood test next week, 3-4 weeks after exposure to see if I have the antibodies. If I do then it's recent infection. I'm bricking it as I had a virus last week and it could well of been that. I hope not :(
My GP has reassured me all will be fine but thats what they kept telling me with my son. I pray to god I've been worrying for nothing!

Good luck honey xx
Oh Laura, it's so worrying! i have been a wreck all day at work even though i shouldnt need to worry as my doctor has reasured me! I hope everything is fine with you and atleast you are now 20 weeks you should be fine!
I've had two scans as well since, one at 19 weeks and my 20 week scan this week and all looked fine with baby so that's a good sign. Helped me relax a bit :)

It is bloody scary though, feel like I wanna walk around with a mask on to keep out the germs! My GP is very understanding though after me losing my son. She understands my anxiety about it all. They think a virus cased his condition so I'm a bit neurotic about it!
You have every reason to be worried, we all do as mothers it's natural! I feel like wearing a mask too expecially at work! there is always things going round and the kids have constant coughs, colds and bugs! its horrid! Just want my little baby to be perfect!
Hey, I not heard of it at all... hope all okay.. xx

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