Skinny Mother in law strikes again !!!

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Well so far in my pregnancy I have only put on two pounds, which is an OK amount at this stage so I am very pleased.

The wierd thing is that in the last week I have started showing, which is very exciting, but I haven't actually put on any weight this week. This was wierd for me.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the mother in law came round last night and said I had put on a lot of weight. Basically too much for the stage I am at and I will be massive by the time I give birth. :shock: :twisted: :( :shock: :x :evil:

She really is astonishingly rude at times. She does not realise how much she upset me. She is the only person who has said anything negative to me this week. Everyone else has said that I am blooming! I certainly did feel as though I was blooming and now I just feel fat.

I have struggled with my weight all my life (I was obese in 2000) and pregnancy is something that (for me) is something that must be tolerated, rather than to be thoroughly enjoyed.

I am even more irritated by the fact that the father in law and my DH just stood there and let her insult me

I am very angry with her this morning and can't get her flippant comments out of my head and I have told my DH that I want him to instruct her not to mention my weight ever again, or I will mention it. grrrrrrrr :( :( :( :( :( :(

Oh well, apart from that, mother and baby doing fine! The scan is on thursday! I will send my picture in!
GGGRRRRRRR....cow bag!
Take no notice what so ever, do you know some people arent happy unless they are being unkind. She's probably wishing she we young happy and pg, instead of being a misreble old hag, Ha ha ha .
Keep Smiling, 3lbs is very little weight to put on, so be pleased with yourself.
hels xx
Don't let her get you down.....I have been a size 18 since my first two children and 10 years ago I was a size 10. I am now nearly 8 weeks pregnant with my second and like you haven't gained any weight due to the fact that I don't fancy much to eat.

Its sad to hear you say that your pregnancy must be tollerated.......I don't always feel happy with my size but I know that I can do something about it after this one is is not the time to worry about your weight......enjoy your weight gain and your bump and ignore silly comments from stick insects who don't know any better!!

Enjoy your pregnancy, be proud and happy!!!
Actually its only two pounds! :D :wink:

Thank you so much for what you said. It really cheered me up

When I said tolerated, I think I really meant just the weight change and the growing tummy rather than the whole pregnancy experience itself.

I am really relishing and enjoying the idea of being pregnant but don't feel that ecstatic about the challenge with the weight, particularly afterwards, especially when people have started criticising me already! I haven't even got to the post-bith bit yet. I have a lot more agravation to come I can see it now!

Oh well, I must enoy, I must enjoy.... :D
What a b***h!! :shock:

My nan told my sister she doesn't know why I am going on holiday in 4 weeks times as I am massive already and will be huge then and wont enjoy it. Spiteful old hag!
I think that women lose the ability to be tactful and diplomatic when they get to a certain age. (Basically after the age of about 70)

If I end up like that I want to be shot, so that I can't cause people any misery!
Im so sorry, 2lbs, :oops: its nothing my df says its a good poo!!! LOL he he he sorry!!!!
AND....she's the only one whos has said horrible things, every one else has said you look glowing.
keep smiling....your gonna be a mummy.....woooahhh how exciting, well worth a couple of pounds!
Hi Sarah,
I know exactly how you feel, the weightgain has been really stressing me. My mum (who I might ad is over weight and has no self contol when it comes to food) likes to very loadly point out in front of anyone and everyone how huge I am for my dates in an abnormal way. Im am very concious of my figure as I think most women look to their mums to get an idea of what there figure will be like (gulp) I really liked my figure before pregnancy and my biggest concern is getting it back again and it really dosent wlp to hame your own mum pointing out to everyone how enormous I am. That along with my sister on law having an amazing waist back after just giving birth 6 weeks ago! Im not looking forward to my mums potential comments about how 'flabby I still am' or 'how I will never lose the weight again' etc its not exactly going to be encouraging and I will probably end up turning round and smacking her in the mouth!
Hi Cat

I am surprised that you are hearing it from your own mum. That must be really hard.

Despite me having a weight problem all my life my mother hasn't said anything slightly negative to me. She didn't need to, my dad and my grandparents and my mother in law (and even complete strangers in the street) do all the talking! :cry: :cry:

I was quite expecting to get a few insulting comments after the birth but I wasn't expecting it at this stage! I guess she is just warming up :evil: :twisted:

I'm with you! I've only put on 3lbs even though I've struggled with my weight since I was 19. I went to WeightWatchers and lost 4 stone beofre getting pregnant and I'm now a size 14/16 (or should that be I WAS a size 14/16).
I cannot believe how many rude comments I've got since being pregnant. Just about everyone has told me I'm too big or that it must be twins - even people I don't know very well. Hmmm.
Ah well - i think it's a lovely bump :D

Here's to pregnancy fat!

Louise x
I love my bump to!!!!!!!!!

I am going to treat it to a nice bubble bath later followed by a nice massage with oil.

I intend to worship my curves, even if other people have trouble accepting them!

I lost weight too, in my case with Slimming World. I used to be a size 18-20 and now (or rather three months ago) I am a size 14 and proud.

This is the only time in my life where I am allowed to have a sticking out belly and I am going to stick it right out. Proudly! :D :D :D

Thanks everyone for your support
i know its hard but try to let the comments go straight over your head i've learnt to do it, only i had the problem of people telling me i was too small for my dates and it worried me stupid but Dr says my fundal measurements are fine, i lost nearly a stone in early pregnancy due to me being so sick and couldnt tolerate food, i was weighed today and i have gained about 8 pounds since week 14 when i was 1st weighed i am now 26 weeks the Dr said this is fine and most women gain about 2 1/2 stone throughout pregnancy.
I think mother in laws have a built in gene that automatically makes them rude like that! Just egnore her. Two pounds is absolutely nothing to worry about, i have piled on way more than that! we are all bound to have 'fat' days but were allowed to, were doing a hard job providing safe warm home for our little bubs!

grit your teeth and ride abouve it girl! as long as your happy in yourself, which you should be, you looked beautiful on your wedding pictures! :) :) :)

I think mother in laws have a built in gene that automatically makes them rude like that! Just egnore her. Two pounds is absolutely nothing to worry about, i have piled on way more than that! we are all bound to have 'fat' days but were allowed to, were doing a hard job providing safe warm home for our little bubs!

grit your teeth and ride abouve it girl! as long as your happy in yourself, which you should be, you looked beautiful on your wedding pictures! :) :) :)

I think your MIL has overlooked the fantastic achievement you have made by loosing 4 stone before getting pregnant which is wonderful.......well done you!!! When I have had mine I will be chasing you up for advice on how to do it........I could do with loosing about 3 stone!! :?

Well done you and congratulations on doing so amazingly well.......does she even know how hard it is to loose weight.......probably not!!

Much love
hey ladies, ive gone from 11 stone to 14 stone. and i dont care, ive not enjoyed my pregnancy much. so to cheer myself up i eat what i want when i want lol hmmmm maybe too often, but i think of it as a one off and im going to enjoy this time as much as possible and worry about it after ive given birth.
Hi Girls

I was convinced I had put on loads (Im 6.5weeks) but just weighed myself - I havent put on much (2 pounds) but I look loads bigger than that!!! - think its because with the surprise of finding out I was pregnant (even though it was planned) my usual routine went out the window.

When I was on Weightwatchers I planned my meals etc and ate really healthly - now I just dont fancy cooking and have eaten so much junk over the last 3 weeks I feel a bit bad about it - hoping to start eating more healthly soon.

I cannot wait to be a bit further along then I have a good excuse for my large belly (which actaully looks as though im about 6 months pg!!!!!)

Then its back to WW for me!!!!!

Dont worry about it girls - this is our opportunity to have a really good excuse for it!!!!!!!!! make the most of it !!!!

L x
In fact, if I could get pictures uploaded on here I would take one of my belly and you would think I belonged to the 3rd Trimester forum
hahehehehehe :lol:

I looked about six months pregnant at 6 weeks :D :( It turned out that I was just very bloated and it went down after a while.

However it did mean that I was unable to wear my work trousers much earlier than I thought :(

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