Size as a baby compared to grown up?!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Just a bit curious really! Neither of mine were small babies, K was 9lb12 and 53cm and E was 8lb3 and 53cm! Ks almost 4 now and is really tall, but skinny; whereas E is only on the 9th centile for height and 25th for weight!

Given their birth sizes, I'd have assumed E would be tall! Ks kinda following what I expected, although she has absolutely no hips or waist so her trousers are constantly falling down :lol:

Just wondering how everyone elses kids relate to their birth weights!
T was 8lb 2oz and 49cms at birth so pretty big but she is very nearly 2 weighing 23lb and 79cm. Not sure wharf centile line and no red book handy!

I was a tiny 44cms and 5lb 4 born full term but I've ended up 5ft 6 tall! x
I don't think many Will reflect birth weights. Cam was a normal 7lb 6 but is so small. He weighs just 21 lbs now and has the shortest legs x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I have 2 sons. My eldest was more than a pound heavier at birth than my youngest. When they were growing up my eldest was always taller than my youngest when they were measured yearly, infact Conner (my yongest) was always a right little shortie compared to his class members.

Now my eldest is 19 and he is 5ft 8 and my younger son is 16 and close to 6ft! so I really doubt birth weight impacts how big they will grow up unless possibly if they were severely premature x
Charlie was 7lb 3 and 21 inches he's now on the shorter side of average height.
I was a six pound baby, my sister was 9 pounds...

I'm the chubbier one and she's an absolute stick!

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My cousin is tiny - not 5ft, and like a size 8 (apart from her boobs!) but she was my aunts biggest baby at over 10lbs. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I think it is more related to the combined height of mum and dad, my daughter is ten now and short and skinny like I was , very small compared to her friends, so was my eldest boy when he started senior school and now he is huge, he is 13 and has suddenly shot up, whereas I didn't actually start growing till 15 and stopped growing at 21, so I think gender is different. Try the below if you have the height of your kids at 2 years in your red books
I was a bit of a big baby at 8lb 12, 28 years later and I'm 4ft 11 and a size 8. My sister was 5lb something, 4 I think and is 5ft and quite alot bigger than me (double my weight)
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When I do the height calculators for K it brings her out at being same height as me, even tho she's above average now! Think that's xos I'm so tiny tho lol! Will hunt out the red books again later and do it again! I'm proper obsessive over heights, I dunno why lol! I did their clothes size measurements the other day on m&s size checker and for chest and waist, E comes out at 12-18m bless her, she's 3 in a few weeks!
My son was 7lb11oz 51cm and i now 6 and still fits in size 4-5 clothes.

my daughter was 9lb (didn't measure her length) and she is now 2 (3 in a few weeks) and she is fast growing out of size 3-4 clothes - and has been on the 90 percentile line throughout.

btw standing side by side my daughter comes just over my sons shoulders! and there is 15lb difference between them in weight! even though the age gap is 3y3m OMG
Lydia was 10lbs 10oz at birth, and now at 7 years old she's very VERY slightly (like maybe 2lbs) overweight and a little taller for her age than average.

Alex was 10lbs 1oz at birth, and now at 5 years old he's normal BMI and average height.

Jason was 11lbs 0.7oz at birth, and now at 3 years old he's normal BMI and a little taller for his age than average.

As for me, I was 9lbs at birth, and now at nearly 29 I'm normal BMI and completely average height.
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