six months old!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Hey Ladies, I know there are a lot of us with 6 month old babies now, Cahal is 6 months old today and I can't tell you how happy me makes me every day!! Every time he's hit a new month in age, I've thought 'this is my favourite age', but nope, 6 months is definitely my favourite age now lol!

I can't believe he's changed so much, he's always grinning, laughing, cooing, singing, he's sitting up, rolling over, sucking his toes and bouncing round on his feet, and already has two shiny new teeth. So much happens in 6 months!!

So, happy half year birthday to all the 6 monthers out there, they're all beautiful and growing up way too fast lol :love: :love: :love:


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Happy 6th month Birthday Cahal!! I can't wait to reach that milestone or just when he can sit on his own! Xx

He's beautiful by the way!
Happy half birthday Cahal!! Ross is 7 months old today, still waiting for toothypegs though!
Happy 6 months Cahal! Can't believe how quick it's flown!! x x
happy 6 months! :love: Morgan was 6 months on saturday :yay:

I just love it, it really is the best age!
Aw happy 6 months Cahal! Can't believe how much Owen is changing every week! 2 teeth popping up, sitting up...where's the baby?!!
Have a lovely day x
I've no idea where the time has gone!! It's so scary to think that in the same amount of time he will be a whole year old! I know it's only 6 months and not real birthday but I'm actually feeling quite emotional about the whole thing - god knows what I'll be like in August lol!
Yay!!! Happy 6 months little man xxx


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