Sitting on my own...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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With a big bag of m&m's and watching some crap on telle :(

Well I thought this month would have been amazing but I think we have blown it only bd'd 1-2 times I 'think' (been too busy to even count). Oh's shifts at work have changed which means he's up really early in the morning but in at 4-5ish pm which is better than 9pm that he would be home from work on his old shifts, depending on the shift. I thought GREAT loads of bd'ing time! Then my shifts go on til 10pm at night by which time OH is flat out on the sofa and goes to bed when I come in and wake him up.

So here I am with my m&m's and crap telle :(

I'm goin pounce on him tomorrow and tie him up with my love cuffs. Right...tmi me thinks :lol:
If it helps you feel any better, my husband works permanent nights so I only have him at home one night per week (two if we're REALLY lucky). I usually get home from work around 5pm - we have about 2 hrs together during which time we have to eat, sort the dogs out etc and then he goes back to bed for a kip before leaving for work at around 10pm.

Certainly makes BDing a challenge.....

:hug: to you hun - on the plus side at least you have the chocolate!
You have a big bag of m and m's and youre complaining??? you need to get your priorities right, a BIG bag :eek: sounds like a perfect night to moi! :)
:rotfl: Cheers girls.

babyblonde....ouch! :shock:

Hes not getting away tonight...I been to the gym for over an hour too so he's got no excuse to be as exhausted as me!
Give him hell!!!! :lol:

I don't live far from Stoke - I can come and poke him with a stick if you want :lol:
Oooh not far from Stoke? :)

No need to poke him with a stick :dance:
Nope not far - just under and hour and a half I reckon, so the stick poking offer is always open :D
YAY! lol!

He might like the poking...but then again if his man stands to attention you can just look away and i'll jump on hahaha! Oh dear! :rotfl: what TTC does to you! :wall:

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