Silent Reflux Help please


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I posted the other day about Maisie refusing to feed and stuff and I have done a lot of research thinking it was her age- 4months.

However, I am almost certain she has silent reflux from what I have read today. She has always been a fussy feeder, on\off\cry\on and I thought it was because I had a fast let down. She was a big baby at birth (8.11) so doesn't look underweight but has dropped from 91st to 25th percentile more or less.

Anyway over the last 5w she has only put on 8.5oz. I went to get weighed today and saw a lovely HV for a changed and talked to her and she agreed and said visit doc but basically warned they may be cr@p and I would need to persevere. The lactation councillor is on her hols this week.

I spoke to a friend who's baby had had normal reflux and we compared growth charts and the pattern is identical- the way the lines drop and level off. She had some gaviscon sachets left so I have tried them as doc would not see us today.

She has taken 8oz of expressed milk with gaviscon in completely happily and is now fast asleep so I am pretty sure this is what has been going on.

Does anyone have any advice for Silent Reflux and breastfeeding?

I have to ring the docs tomorrow and try and get an appointment :roll: but if they are of no help I don't know whether just to buy it over the counter?

I feel like I finally have some answers and feel so bad that she has been suffering and none of the HV etc suggested this :x
Hiya :wave:

Charlie is bottle fed, but I have been having similar problems which started when he was 2 weeks old. We have had him to the doctors practically every week since then and have been told it's trapped wind, colic etc but nothing they have suggested has worked. Yesterday was a really bad day, so back to the doctors we went and instead of seeing our usual gp there was a locum who did a full examination who agreed that he could have a mild form of reflux but also identified ear infection in both ears which the other doctor failed to notice. So he has given us infant gaviscon and antibiotics, apparently babies with reflux are are more susceptible to infections.

To cut a long story short it has been a battle getting someone to listen to us, the hv was useless and the gp actually told us babies couldn't get acid reflux :roll: The best advice I can give is to persevere with the doctor, for some reason they seem reluctant to diagnose this.

Glad to hear the gaviscon worked for your lo, I am holding off till he has completed his antibiotics before giving him anything else. Hope things get better, it's really upsetting for mother and baby :hug: :hug: :hug:
i didn't have any probs getting gaviscon for connor from the gp, and its made the world of difference (tho he's got the non-silent type of reflux)

i feed it to him in a bottle, mixed with water but because he's not overly keen on him (can't blame him, it smells :puke:) i feed it to him in small amounts from about halfway through his feed, saving a little bit for the end. i found that if i waited til he'd finished feeding completely he was either too full and not interested, or asleep!

i hope you get an appt with a nice gp and that maisie is sorted out soon

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
You have my sympathies, reflux, silent or otherwise is awful. Eva generally has the silent type and you can sometimes smell the acid on her breath, it definately exists in babies! we have had occasional episodes of puking too but luckily so far she has been gaining weight steadily.
Our doc caught a screaming fit at Evas 6 week check after he had been moving her about so he was very sympathetic and gave her a prescrition for Gaviscon straight away. I usually express a bottle a day so she can have the gaviscon in it at bedtime as this is when I feel its worst for her, but she will take it 'neat' if she has to from a bottle after her feed. We also use Infacol before all other feeds as less gas in her tum seems to produce less acid, we have definately noticed a difference since using it anyway.
I hope your doc is sympathetic, at least if you have tried the gaviscon and know it helps you can just ask outright for a prescription.
Good luck hun :hug:

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