signs of labour?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi ladies looking for a little bit of help.

My friend is due any day now and has just text to ask me if having to go to the loo more often for a number 2 :oops: means baby is coming?

I know it happens somewhere around there?!

Can anyone help, what are the actual symptoms of labour?

I was sectioned early so never quite went through that.

All help welcomed! Thanks
Yep that can be one of the first signs. Also mild period pains can also be a start,those where my first two signs when going into labour with my DD.
I was induced with Zack so things were a bit different from labour starting normally. Ive had a little look on the net and found this...

Nicked from this website


Lightening occurs when the baby drops or settles lower into your pelvis.

Often you will suddenly find you are less short of breath because your lungs have more room to expand.

Pressure will increase in your pelvis though, and you may need to urinate more often.

Lightening usually occurs several weeks prior to your first delivery. With following births, it may happen just hours before delivery.

Bloody show

As the cervix thins and starts to dilate (open) in preparation for delivery, small capillaries burst and cause a pink or brown vaginal discharge.

The mucous plug, which has sealed the cervix throughout the pregnancy, dislodges. It will look like pink or blood-tinged stringy mucus.

Bloody show can occur anywhere from hours to several weeks before delivery.

If the discharge is bright red, or more than an ounce is present, a problem with the placenta may have occurred, and you should contact your health care provider immediately.

Nesting instinct

Some women notice a burst of energy a few days prior to going into labor.

This is nature's way of helping ensure everything is ready when the new baby arrives.

Nausea and diarrhea

Hormonal changes early in labor can cause an upset stomach, cramps, and diarrhea.

Increased Braxton Hicks contractions

These practice contractions, which have been present during the last several months of pregnancy, may become more frequent, intense, and even painful.

False labor has the following traits:

Decreases with walking
May ease with change of position
No increase in frequency or intensity
Discomfort located in abdomen only
The only warning signs I had were 2 strong Braxton hicks per night and pooing loads...and maybe some period pains, then labour just happened...

waters broke, contractions and off I went... :cheer:

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