

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
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Been trying to avoid this section a bit as just reminds me how much it still hurts. Had hospital today where I've had lots of tests and have been told they are confident they know what's wrong and can hopefully prevent any further losses. I'm supposed to be really happy with that news and I am don't get me wrong but just reminded me so much that I had lost yet another baby and that gets me think how far along I'd be now. I should be washing clothes and preparing things ready not posting in here having a moan. You got plenty of time to have another baby. If I hear that one more time. I wanted the one I had not another :/ I'm tired grumpy alone and trying so hard not to get the pictures out. Feel so lost right now I'm a mummy with no baby and don't know what to do with myself. Safe to say I'm having a bad day xxx
Aww hun iv no advice sorry, I very recently had a loss and I am not coping too well with it, I keep thinking all I have of my baby is my hospital wrist band which iv grown way too attached to. We have decided not to try for another and to make the most of the 2 we have. I hope it gets easier for you although you will never forget x

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Sorry to hear you're having a bad one. You're bound to have good and bad days and there's nothing wrong with feeling mightily f**ked off if it happens to be a bad day. Do you have plenty of support around you for the days you want to talk about things? Sounds like you have some good news to focus on when it's a not-such-a-bad day.

A very close friend of mine had a miscarriage before having her little girl and she told me that her and her partner wrote a letter, lit a candle and said a prayer for their angel baby. I really have no idea if that would help you in the slightest - but it did offer some closure for her when she was ready for it.

Thinking of you xx
When I have a bad day I lock myself away I don't want to talk to anyone just leave me alone kinda thing. They can't make me cry then. I'm chilling in my bed with my dog curled up beside me bless her. I seem to be a long way from closure I thought I was getting there but nope. After my due date it will get easier it always does. 7 angel babies I'm a pro at grieving now. We have a lovely book with pictures and poems and quotes in. Thought I'd get my closure than way but nope. I do smile when I look at it tho just wish I could put Charlie back in my tummy. We are trying again I'm stubborn I won't give up I will get my baby buy boy it's hard on days like this. Oh works away on a 4 on 4off so I'm alone till Sunday. That don't help I'm always better when he is around oh blah but thanks girls xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about your losses lovely, you must be so devastated. I guess the support from other ladies on here who've gone through it themselves must help to some extent, but grief is grief and you just have to do what comes naturally in response to that. xx
Yeah the girls on here are amazing that's why I always end up back here when I'm having a bad day. They understand and I don't have to pretend to be ok. I think it's just been brought on by talking to the doctor in depth about my last loss. It was so hard and traumatic as I nearly died and it's all just come back. I'll be ok tho I always am. Thank you xxx
Oh you poor thing. No wonder having to go through it all with your doctor has brought it all back. Just take it easy and look after yourself properly. X
Hi Lilmisshopeful,

I sympathise with you... I've been there too. Just last week we thought, if we were pregnant, we'd be due next month. We lost our baby 2 months into our pregnancy in Feb this year.

It's tough... the feeling of loss... But do not let it get you down... Stay strong and keep trying... That's what we are doing... Above all, remember, that the loss is no ones fault and specially not yours.

It's natures way of telling you you are not ready or that things are not right.

We have our 2nd attempt scheduled this week. We would be ecstatic if things work out, but we've also decided not be down (or at least not too down) if it doesn't work but to go ahead and try again... Nature will have to give in sometime...

All the wery best to you and all the other ladies in our situation!
My last loss was someone's fault tho. They gave me medication that I wasn't supposed to have with medication I was already on and my placenta came away and Charlie died. But nothing I can do or feel will change that. I see the empty pram and I can't bare to part with it and thinking sensibly with us trying again I need to keep it but I should be using it soon :/ oh blah xxx
Keep smiling LMH, big hugs to you. Bad days come and go just try and stay positive and focus on the fact that you have a reason for what happened to darling Charlie and the same mistake won't happen again so your rainbow baby will be with you soon xx
That changes the perspective hun. But you said it, there's nothing you can do to change it. It has been done. When I think back, I don't think we'll ever 'forget and move on', we might not even 'come to terms with it and move on'... What we need to do is accept that it happened and try to move on...
I'm not trying to compare my experience with yours, but we do have something to look forward to... We are trying again...
We called our baby 'Joy' by the way... Just coz we were so happy to hear the heartbeat and know that the baby was there...

Stay strong and like your nick says it... Hopeful too :)

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