

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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Ok so for the past 3 days I've been getting what I can only describe as "waves" of sickness.... I'm totally fine and feel well, then all of a sudden I go light headed and feel really sick, and then it just goes again.
I've not actually been sick but iv had a couple of times where I've ran to the toilet but then it's just gone?

I've not really been eating as much a normal but I've just not felt hungry, been eating enough to make sure I'm not hungry and causing the sickness myself.... But just don't seem to fancy anything, the thought of food makes me feel queasy.

I did a preg test last night just to check, an it was negative as expected. But I've read that it can be negative just due to lack of hormone ie testing too early?
It was only a cheapo from tesco.

Is it possible I'm really early in pregnancy? I had acid all last week but that went. I've only been off the pill for just over 2 wks.... And I was explaining to my mum how it's not possible that I'm preg yet as I haven't even had a proper period since coming off it, only a bleed a few days after my last pill, which last about 6days.

But her reply was "you can get preg from missing just one pill, if you've been off it 2weeks then course you could be!"

What do u girls think? I sort of feel preg too? Like sensitive around my belly and very bloated.

??? Thought please ladies xxx
Sounds good!!
It is possible to get pg on the pill, when you miss a pill, and when you come off the pill, so anything can happen!
It could of course be a result of the hormones changing in your body, only time will tell :)
All sounds like positive signs to me.

In relation to the pill i remember being told (by the doctor) that if you miss one at the right/wrong time then you can get pregnant, so if you have been off the pill for two weeks then yes you could be!

I would leave it a few days (if you can wait that long!) and test again!

Good luck keep us updated


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