sicky baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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Grace has started being sick after feeds for the last week or so.......

She is being BF - sometimes she isn't sick at all, sometimes only a tiny amount straight after her feed, sometimes loads after her feed and then again anything between 20 - 40 mins later.........

I always wind her half way through a feed and again at the end.......

but I am getting quite stressed and it seems she is being sick lots and it worries me that she isn't keeping enough milk down...

her weight gain is fine and HB said not to worry about it - some babies are just sicky babies

but I wondered if any of you wonderful girls had any helpful advice - is there anything else I should or shouldn't be doing that might help ????

:think: :think: :think:
Hi Fiona,

Sounds like you are doing the best you can. The only other thing I would recommend is to keep her upright at least 20 minutes after a feed. I do this with Jacob and it has really sorted him out.

If she is not loosing weight, then I wouldn't worry. Some babies are just sicky :D
if ya that worried take her to the docs, thats what we did when madi was sick alot

i'm sure everything will be fine tho but best to get it checked :hug:
I agree with what lynsey said. Aimee was a really sicky baby and i couldn't lie her down for at least an hour after every feed. It was really hard cos i couldn't go out the house for long cos it would take me so long to feed her and then i couldn't put her in her pram till an hour after. I got used to it in the end and she got better when she was about 4 months old.
Emma was sick a lot in the early days, it used to drive me mad because she would feed and feed for ages and then throw it all back up again, we would then have to start over :wall: :wall:
I think it's normal at the beginning as their digestive systems are so immature and sensitive, it will get better!!!. As long as she is gaining weight and has plently of wet nappies, you've got nothing to worry about :hug: :hug:
Hun Olivia was exactly the same at that age, im sure theres a post I made here somewhere when I was worried too :)

She grew out of it and is only sick now when shes had to much, lol she used to projectile vomit it was horible :puke: , only once or twise.
Some weeks she would be sick alot everyday and some weeks she would not be sick at all.

As you said shes putting on weight so dont worry its just something babys go thru im affraid, unless your really worried and the weight gain is low, just take it in your stride and just stock up on tissue :lol:

Leorah is 6 months and is still always sick after her milk :wall: I sometimes think her whole feed has come up and wonder how she got so chubby :lol: The last couple of days I have actually been ending her feeds when I think she's definitely had enough and then wait to see if she asks for more (and she doesn't!) and there hasn't been so much sicking up. I have a fast let down and I think she drinks faster than she can she can work out she's full. As long as your LO is healthy then laundry is the big issue here :roll:

BTW Leorah is much worst when she is teething, I don't know if anyone else finds this??

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