

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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so in my first pregnancy i was sick pretty much morning noon and night. this one i started off at 7 weeks feeling terribly sick and as time goes on ive started feeling less sick im now 9 weeks. i still have sore boobs at certain times of the day and exhaustion in evening. is this normal for second pregnancy. i'm so worried, i wish i could have a scan but its not till 28th Oct.

i had two mcs after my first child and now worried about MMC etc. im basically the queen of worriers.

could i be less sick cos its my second and cos im more busy with my toddler xx
I found I was a lot less sick with my second, but I did put it down to being busier in general - toddler got the blame :) this time though I feel really sick much earlier than the last two times. I guess each pregnancy is different. Try not to worry xx
I'm 5+3 and no sickness yet. First pregnancy I was sick from my BFP right through to labour. Try not to worry too much Hun, every pregnancy is different :)
Every pregnancy is totally different
Its impossible but try to relax and enjoy it anyway xx
I didn't have any sickness at all with my first 2, sick with this one though. I know it's hard but try not to worry xxx
I was so sick with my first and my boobs were agony but it hasn't been as bad this time.
I feel the exact same as with my first though i was and still can be more exhausted xx
This is my first but I've been getting terrible migraines which bring on mentioned in my evening sickness post, it just all happens in the evening...the headaches, the sickness. haven't had any dinner for a few nights as its all being brought back...sorry TMI.
I'm 12 weeks now, hoping it eases soon. by reading some replies it seems it may continue. like you say, every pregnant is different.
Hope your all feeling more yourselves soon Xx

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