

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
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i cant find any thing to help im not being sick just feel sick all day long no matter what i eat or drink has any one else got this feel so crap but glad its all for bubba x :puke:
the postive side *if u look at it that way* is that yu have a healthy baby, means ur body is sending lots of hormones around your body to support a healthy pregnany,

when i was bad i just used to eat a bit of toast or a dry cream cracker every hour or two,

sipping water often

and sea sickness bands

other than that nothing else helped.

hope it gets better soon hunny
That's exactly how I felt with Ella. Nothing seemed to help until the sickness went at the end of the first tri! Though eating little and often is supposed to help :)
I agree with the others, I have lived off rich tea biscuits and toast for several weeks now...

I just make sure that I have something to eat every 2-3 hours.... doesn't stop me feeling sick but takes the worst of it away !!!!!!!!!!!
If water makes you nauseous try icepops to keep dehydrated, this helped me a bit :wink:
im with you my sickness has kicked in big time, :cry: spent all day in bed, have this constant awful taste in my mouth and all food makes me urge, :puke: :puke: have just managed to drink a litre of water all day, im off work and feel so guilty but all that helps is lying flat on my back. i hope it eases this feels awful, like you say thou all in a good cause. :talkhand:
try to eat small amounts as often as you can. i find wholemeal crackers good. keep your blood sugar level up, eat and drink lots of water and never get empty. x
exactly the same maybe baby. we are a fussy lot aren't we!! :lol:

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