Hi ladies!
I'm only in my 6th week & I've had sickness for well over a week already - I'm desperately hoping it'll go by 12 weeks latest - it's driving me nuts already!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not actually sick - just feel incredibly queasy from the minute I wake up till around 6/7pm. I'm finding travelling in a car even the shortest distance is a bit of a trial at the moment!
Luckily, I work 15 mins away from my house & only do 9am-1pm every day - I haven't told them yet as it's a fairly new job, so I'm struggling to keep a lid on the sickness all morning & then it's like my body heaves a huge sigh of relief at 1pm, cos I then feel ill all the way home & pretty cr@p for most of the afternoon!!
I'm not sleeping very well at night but don't seem to be able to drop off in the afternoons either - soooooooooo frustrating cos I'm lucky enough to be able to nap when a lot of women aren't!!
I'm finding the 'eat little but often' approach is helping a bit & am also drinking gallons of water. Like most other ladies who post on here, I've gone off loads of stuff I used to adore & am only able to stomach really plain things - mostly carbs like bread, crisps, crackers, potatoes, etc. - weird!!
As the sickness starts to subside around teatime, I then start to feel bloated & sore & full of trapped wind which then makes for quite a painful, uncomfortable evening which usually ends with stomach cramps & diarrhoea before I go to bed! (Sorry - too much info probably!!)
Add to this the exhaustion, on & off stomach cramps, heartburn, almost constant backache, vile taste in mouth, sore boobs, constant peeing, etc etc etc & all in all I'm finding it hard to enjoy the pregnancy so far - even though it was longed for & we're over the moon about it!!!! I'm sure it'll get better, but at the moment, I feel like such a lightweight & I'm not in the mood for socialising, exercising, etc. - poor hubby - we've been quite reclusive for the past 2 weeks!!
Please tell me I'm not the only one & it'll go away soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone got any words of advice??!!