Sickness has returned :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Well after a glorious few weeks of not being sick (except for when I was taking iron tablets) my sickness has returned!

I felt absolutely fine when I woke up, but while I was making breakfast, I started to feel nauseous. I thought it was because I'd been up for over an hour and hadn't eaten anything.
So I sat down to my scrambled eggs on toast and chowed down - only to see it all again minutes later :(

That was over an hour ago and I still feel kack! Not a good start to the day :(

Just fancied a moan x

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Oh no, you poor thing. After such a good spell of feeling better as well!

Have a chill day, lots of iced water and lemon or ice lollies.

Hope you're feeling better soon and it is just a one off xx
I've heard of this a lot, is it common for sickness to return?? I hope you feel better soon :hugs: xx
i also feel slightly queasy today too and i thought i was deffo over it :( hope u perk up soon hun :hugs: x
I still have days like this hun. I think unfortunately for some of us it's something that will come and go all the way through pregnancy! That's what I have resigned myself too anyway.
:( :( sorry it s come back hope it goes ASAP X
Thanks girls. I feel like I'm starting to perk up a little now. Might just have a duvet and dvd day :) x

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:( mine went and came back for one morning ! Hope u feel better xx
Well I just ate 2 cornetto's - I must be on the mend lol x

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Aw no, hope you feel better soon! I have random days of sickness - think it must be normal.
Glad your on the mend hun, hope it was just a bad spell x

Thanks. Think it was just a bad morning. I'm currently making a steak dinner and very much looking forward to it.
Have only eaten 2 cornetto's since being sick and they've stayed down and I feel ok now, so fx it was a morning thing :) x

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I still get random sickness spells, but mainly in the evenings now!! I think tiredness and heartburn has a big thing towards it for me.

Hope u enjoyed ur steak dinner xx
I did! It was yum :) x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
i get the occasional time stil where i feel ever so nauseous x

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