Sickness has kicked in!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2012
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Well the sickness has really kicked in today!! I've totally lost my appetite but eat 3 meals because I have to.. I've sicked them all straight bk up and inbetween. Do I need to eat again? I don't think I could stomach it but don't wana starve my LIL one? Only 5 week so sure it can't need too much at this stage, but still worried x
I am 6 weeks tomorrow but no sickness, it's very strange but I WANT to feel sick just so I know I am still pregnant. I was really sick with my son though so I do know how rough it is but it will all be worth it in the end!!!
I don't mind the sickness I had it from day one til the day I gave birth with my first n still worked 45 hours a week... Just cos I've had moscarages inbetween I think everything I do is wrong and am scared I'm doing things that could hurt my baby x
Morning sickness can't starve the baby Hun, if they can't get the nutrients from what you've eaten then it's taken from what's stored in your body already, i love my morning sickness lol xx
Aw that's good then just had a slight panic on lol... I do cos I've been panicking on everything atleast while this is hear I know I'm still pregnant.. Think I'm Guna take a digi tomoz just to ease my mind cos I wasn't sure my test was even positive and haven't done another so just feel Like I need to lol x
That's the way I feel the more symptoms the better lol I done pregnancy tests everyday until yesterday when I had a scan, they did help put my mind at rest but think I was a bit obsessed with testing, if u do a digi that shows the weeks i think the morning is best to test Hun xx
I'll save my wee n go to shop first thing lol.. I think it shud say 3 by now x

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