Ok the morning sickness is here now!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Ok so I know I said I wanted the morning sickness to sort of prove I am pregnant but it 'aint pretty! lol! I've had enough after only a few days. I can't seem to keep anything down, it feels like a stomach bug. I think I will try just eating chicken soup today to see if that works. I am a bit worried that I have no neutrients in me now to pass on.

Is this how morning sickness effects you girls, or are you able to eat inbetween being ill?
Well im at the feeling sick stage.. im really sensitive to smells at the moment.. its my 1st and was hoping I would be one of those lucky ladies who went through it all like a breeze!! xx
How far along are you guys? I am just under 6 weeks and dont have sickness, just nausea but want to know if I can still expect it to come...x
How far along are you guys? I am just under 6 weeks and dont have sickness, just nausea but want to know if I can still expect it to come...x

I'm 8 weeks and 3 days according to the midwife, even though I worked it out as 8 weeks and 1 day.

Anywho, this day isn't getting much better. I have managed to eat some chicken soup but my tummy is hurting. I think it's sore from heaving but it majorly feels like a stomach bug. Up until 2 days ago I thought that I was going to be a lucky one with no sickness, then boom. I really hope it won't feel like this for the next month!
I had really bad all day nausea, but thankfully no sickness. Majorly sensitive to smells, and could barely eat anything as it turned to dry cardboard in my mouth! I found the Sea-Band Travel Sickness bands were very helpful as well as sucking polos! I don't get it everyday now, but sometimes it comes back with avengence!!
Hope you're all feeling better soon x
Try having a peppermint tea first thing on a morning hun. Takes the edge off enought to have a nibble on some toast.
So far with me, I get sickness when I get up and nausea when ever I get hungry. I just am eating constantly! With my LO, I always said how strange morning sickness was. I could eat something then be violently sick then go back and finish what I had been eating or eat something else straight after. It left when I was 14/15 weeks gone last time.
Ok, so basically I have that to look forward to then...thought that since I had not had any sickness so far I may be in with a good chance of avoiding it haha, oh well! x
Well I managed to eat some toast and now feel much better. So there you have it; I was treating it like a stomach bug where food is just off the table until the bug has gone, but I realised this a longer term thing so I forced myself to eat and was rewarded with feeling better.

Mint tea also works I find too Pyscofalcon, I must buy some polo mints aswell, thanks for the advice 1stbump12. :)

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