sick, tired and trying to stay positive


Active Member
Jul 1, 2008
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Hi everyone :wave:

My Internet connection is down at the moment so I haven't been in touch for a few days. (I'm emailing from the library today). In the mean time I've been feeling pretty much constantly sick (although I haven't actually vomited yet) and extremely tired. My boyfriend is being a lot more supportive of me personally but not of the pregnancy as such. By that I mean that he's been cooking for me and really sympathetic about how sick I've been, but he won't enter into any kind of prolonged conversation about pregnancy or babies. He's keeps using phrases like "if we have a baby" and reminding me of all the women he knows who have had miscarriages in the first 12 weeks. I think he secretly hopes that I will miscarry in the coming weeks. :(

It's difficult to stay positive when I'm living in this situation. But I'm holding on (and so is the little embryo). I emailed my mum and am trying to work out a time with her that we can talk on the phone. It's difficult with our time zone differences and working hours and so on, but hopefully we can chat soon. She emailed back to say that she's delighted for me and wants me to make the most of it despite the difficulties. Her support is really important to me and her email cheered me up a lot. I have my first appointment with a midwife on Friday week. I'm looking forward to that.

Clairebear, sorry to read about your recent health scare. I hope everything has settled down for you again now.
Awww poor you; sounds like you are really suffering; have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

It may be that your BF is just scared that you will lose bubs and is trying not to get attached. Men are a very funny lot :roll:

Glad he is helping and be sympathetic with your sickness though.

All the best for your appointment :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tina & Gabs said:
Awww poor you; sounds like you are really suffering; have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

It may be that your BF is just scared that you will lose bubs and is trying not to get attached. Men are a very funny lot :roll:

Glad he is helping and be sympathetic with your sickness though.

All the best for your appointment :hug: :hug: :hug:

Exactly what I was going to say

Hope you are feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dont worry hun i know my husband is excited but still finds it hard to be positive, it is early days and i think if he is like lots of other men he is just scared of getting too attatched in fear of losing it, i bet once you have a scan and are getting a little further along he will be so happy there will be no stopping him.
Its only in the last few days my husband has actually been putting his arms round me and holding my baby tummy.
Thank you so much. I just had a chat with my mum on the phone. It's the first time I've spoken to her since finding out that I was pregnant and it made me feel much better. I think my boyfriend will come around eventually too.

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