Sick of hearing "If it happens, it happens"?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
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I just feel like i need to have a bit of a rant!! Basically, me and my fiance have been ttc for 2 and a half years, we,re both 37, we live abroad away from our families, i have a couple of good friends out here but one has just had a baby and the other doesnt want children at all so when i try to talk to them about ttc and how its getting me down all i get is "well, if it happen it happens" or "if its meant to be" arrrrrgh!!! Im using clearblue fertility monitor and thats confusing me, my fiance just nods and pretends he has a clue what im talking about bless him and i just feel i have no one to talk to when im feeling emotional and frustrated, which is quite a lot lately, and i really dont think that its helping but what can i do!!
Phew, i feel a bit better for getting that off my chest!!
Anyone else feeling the same way as me?!:wall2:
Not in the same boat hun but can completely understand where you are coming from.. :hug: I'm sure there are lots of girls on here in the same position which will be able to offer more support than me, we are always here, even if it's for a bit of an offload.. :flower: I hope it happens for you soon xxxx
Yup, I dont tell my husband anything any more, he always wants to fix any problem i have and this one he cant except by continuing to bd with me. I come here and rant instead. Having family and friends around doesnt help much unless they are going through the same thing, otherwise it just puts more pressure on you.

Though if it's been 2 and a half years your doctor should help you? What are they like in Tenerife?

Most of us here are in the same position, so log on whenever you feel down, we promise not to say "if it happens it happens" lol xx
Awww hun :hug: sometimes, yeah it happens easy peasy for some people but thats not the case for everyone. When i was TTC number 2, i swear if one more person said if its meant to be it will be i would have :poke: poked them in the eye!! I made it be by doing just what your doing, monitoring my cycles (and tearing my hair out most of the time ) Keep your chin up hun and rant when ever you need to :hug: xx
Yup, I dont tell my husband anything any more, he always wants to fix any problem i have and this one he cant except by continuing to bd with me. I come here and rant instead. Having family and friends around doesnt help much unless they are going through the same thing, otherwise it just puts more pressure on you.

Though if it's been 2 and a half years your doctor should help you? What are they like in Tenerife?

Most of us here are in the same position, so log on whenever you feel down, we promise not to say "if it happens it happens" lol xx

I know what you mean, i think my fiance just feels helpless, especially when im in tears, he just doesnt know how to put things right! I havent told my family that we are trying cos like you say it just puts more pressure on you. I just dream about the day i ring my dad up and tell him he is going to be a grandad but then i think thats all its ever going to be, a dream! Weve got a phone number for a gynacologist (however you spell it) who speaks fluent english so we are going to make an appointment on Monday and take it from there! I think in a way im scared to go in case he tells me something i dont want to hear but in another way if he cant help us then we might as well give up!
Thankyou so much for listening and taking the time to reply! Ive got my fingers crossed for you, i hope a baby comes along for you very soon!! xxxx
You too sweetie. I'm scared too. The massive fear that maybe they will say we cant have kids at all. Gotta stay positive every month that this will be the one, though the comedown when it isnt is pretty crushing I know. Big hugs xx
I really wish i had discovered this site earlier!! You are all so lovely and helpful and i have felt more positive in one day since i joined this site than i have done in months! Sounds so corny but its like talking to old friends!!
Thankyou so so much everybody!!
Baby dust, good luck and fingers crossed for everybody who is ttc and congratulations to everyone who has succeeded!! (the rest of us WILL get there)!!

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