Sick of feeling like this


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi, I just need to talk to someone.

I feel so depressed!!! For the past few weeks I have lost interest in everything, The last few days I haven't gone out or even got dressed.

I go to bed on an afternoon when jack has a sleep and I could easily just stay there.

Some of you know what happened with my partner the other day, this obviously hasn't helped, but I feel so unloved. He is working all this weekend, came in tonight and goes straight on the computer, as he always does, he is obsessed with 'match betting' at the moment, either that or sits looking at ebay or money saving expert. No attempts at cuddles or to sit and talk with me. He comes in and picks fault with things - for example: a juice carton that wasn't squashed down in the bin, the radiator is on'1' in the bedroom cause I'm trying to dry clothes and he complains that it shouldn't be on, just stupid stuff, but if I say anything I just get well Im really tired I have been up since 5, which I understand, but just so sick of it.

I read some of the posts on here about partners bringing breakfast in bed or doing little surprises, nothing big or expensive, just the little things, and I get so upset that there is nothing like this in our relationship.

I hate feeling like this, I know its depression cause I know the signs, just dont know what to do.

sorry guys, I needed to talk to someone :cry:
didn't want to read and run so have some hugs :hug: :hug:

I have down days too and they suck. :(

Hope things start to feel better soon
Aw sweetie :hug:

I can sympathise with the radiator argument; we go through that at least once a day. OH works from home and we live in a cold castle so he has the heating on in the main room only - though obviously when he's working I can't go in there and the rest of the house is BALTIC so yes, I sympathise.

I notice your bloke's on moneysavingexpert. Mine is a bit of a moneysaving geek too - hence the heating thing! He's addicted to Settlers on the PC at the moment rather than match betting too.

Some men just aren;t that romantic. Mine's more practical, but that's why I love him. He's great with money and sorting stuff out and he ALWAYS knows what to do in a crisis. I think he despairs of me at the moment because I feel so sick and dizzy all the time and I'm basically pathetic.

I think it's really hard for practical "sort it out" men to deal with pregnant women because a) we're hormonal messes and b) we can't do as much as we normally can.

I didn't mean to rant on about my life here (which I realise I just did - sorry) but wanted to offer you some support from a fellow moneysavingexpert widow!!

Do something for yourself tonight (have a bath?) and sod him. You'll feel better after a night's sleep I promise :hug:
I usually get a bath every night (bit obsessive compulsive about it) but cant even be bothered to do that tonight. I wish it was just today I felt like this but its been a week or so now.

OH is very practical with things whereas I am a huge free spirit, away with the fairies, always romanticising (sp???) about things.

I like a bit of excitement, like to go off exploring, doing things etc whereas he always thinks about how much it will cost or wants to place a bet on or bid on something on ebay!!!

I have also been dreading work since Friday and cant wait to finish which I think is also getting me down.

I know if I go out with Jack tomorrow I will feel better but its easier to stay in and hide!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh hun, they all do stuff to p*ss us off at times. (can't turn of taps, leaves tea stains on the side, uses EVERY cup in the house, thinks the place for dirty clothes is the floor - I could go on). It just gets magnified when we feel like poo already and it all seems the end of the world. Sometimes the best thing is to just try and ignore it. I don't mean put up with bad behaviour but everyone does things that will irritate the other person, (I don't change the toilet roll, leave bits of tissue around the house and am incapable of throwing ANYTHING away). Sometimes we need to take a step back and concentrate just on the stuff that is a deal breaker. (Like the incident you talked about) and try, for our own sanity, to just let the little things go.

Take Debecca's advice - do something nice for you and come to us for a rant.

Oh - and the heating thing, incidently it is more economical to have more radiators on a low heat than one on a high heat. Helps prevent condensation & damp as well. Find an expert on the web and point it out! :wink:

Take care. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ah Hun
i wanna give you huse hug ans take you out therapy shopping and then on to a beauty salon to have the works done
you desreve some pampering
im sorry your still down
have you managed to talk your man into going with you to the Docs to talk about your heart condition??

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
lol me
PM'd you
debecca said:
When do you finish work for good hun? :hug:

Well Im not really sure, its a bit complicated. having a meeting with HR on Wednesday to discuss it.

Im not going back as I have a uni place which means I only get 6 weeks at 90% pay and then it goes to smp which is rubbish.

I was going to leave it till as late as possible due to this but not sure what to do.

Should I leave earlier and get most of the 6 months smp? as when I start uni in October I think that will automatically stop my smp. Really dont know what to do - very confused!!!

when are you guys finishing???
lulu said:
Hi, I just need to talk to someone.

I feel so depressed!!! For the past few weeks I have lost interest in everything, The last few days I haven't gone out or even got dressed.

I go to bed on an afternoon when jack has a sleep and I could easily just stay there.

Some of you know what happened with my partner the other day, this obviously hasn't helped, but I feel so unloved. He is working all this weekend, came in tonight and goes straight on the computer, as he always does, he is obsessed with 'match betting' at the moment, either that or sits looking at ebay or money saving expert. No attempts at cuddles or to sit and talk with me. He comes in and picks fault with things - for example: a juice carton that wasn't squashed down in the bin, the radiator is on'1' in the bedroom cause I'm trying to dry clothes and he complains that it shouldn't be on, just stupid stuff, but if I say anything I just get well Im really tired I have been up since 5, which I understand, but just so sick of it.

I read some of the posts on here about partners bringing breakfast in bed or doing little surprises, nothing big or expensive, just the little things, and I get so upset that there is nothing like this in our relationship.

I hate feeling like this, I know its depression cause I know the signs, just dont know what to do.

sorry guys, I needed to talk to someone :cry:

Aww - don't you worry lulu... This is normal believe it or not, it's really great that you can talk to us about it, I'd hate for anyone to keep it all bottled up when they feel a bit down :( :hug:

We all need a good ol' vent at times and you're definitely in the right place :D Us girls know better than anyone that men can be inconsiderate b*stards at the best of times! I just don't think they have the ability to empathise with us...

...Might sound a silly Q but have you talked with him about how upset you are? It might help if he cuts you a bit of slack and understands that although he is working long hours (bless him - and it's great and you understand that etc) you also need a little TLC. Perhaps suggest a night out just you two, or a canoodle on the sofa one eve with a take away :cheer:

Hope everything goes well and you can smile again ASAP :hug:

I read your post the other day hun and im guessing things have got no better from that?

I want to send you lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: and hope he realises pretty fast that your in need of some attention.
What about getting a sitter for jack and going out for something to eat, your bound to talk when your out and not argue over silly things.

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