Sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Oct 29, 2016
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I'm only 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 4, and though I'm extremely pleased and excited about a new baby, I'm just so tired of feeling constantly sick and always tired. I've yet to tell my other children about the pregnancy so have to try and carry on as normal. Making meals is a nightmare as even the thought of food makes me heave. I can cope with the tiredness but the nausea is really getting me down .
Sorry for having a moan xx
Aw sorry to hear you're struggling a bit. It's horrible isn't it. I'm about 7 weeks now and have felt terrible for a couple of weeks. Started taking cyclizine a few days ago to preempt the sickness ramping up like last time which is helping keep my head a bit clearer but the nausea and tiredness is a killer. Iv only got one other so not sure how you're coping with 3 but my daughter is only 14 months old so still quite demanding and seems to have coincided my sickness with a mega sleep regression which is nice. In terms of meals how about things that don't smell too much like veggie stir fry (I am so off meat) or how about make your own pizzas where you can get a few toppings and if they are old enough they can make their own and you just need to hold your breath whilst you put them in the oven? Anyway good luck and hope the sickness passes soon ish - I've got Christmas as my marker for when I need to feel human again :)
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Aw that's rubbish :( try ginger lots of it, it's a very good tummy settler. See if you can get some tablets from dr too x
Sorry you're suffering. Pregnancy can be sooo miserable, I'm amazed you're going through it a fourth time. I don't think I'll be signing up for this again! Totally understand the misery of the exhaustion and sickness, and I don't have any other children to run around after. Hope things pick up for you soon, look after yourself as best you can xxx
Can sympathise girls.�� I am 6 weeks and losing my mind . Biggest goal of a day is to get out of bed never mind work etc . Actually lay on the floor and cried today I don't know how I will ever manage this . My little girl told me stop moaning lol . But seriously feel like I have the worst hangover with such a sore head , dizziness and sickness not nausea sickness retching but nothing comes up which I wish it would as I would get a least a few minutes relief !?
Tried ginger , dry biscuits , eating every few hours , sea bands etc . At my wits end . How. Am I be excited for this when you constantly feel like total and utter shit ! Going to doctors tomorrow wish me lucky x
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I know exactly how you feel I'm pregnant now with my 4th I started feeling sick from 5 weeks 24/7 it's awful at 9 weeks I started also being sick, I got some anti sickness tablets from my doctor. I'm currently 14w1d and unfortunately for me there is no change with the nausea and sickness but I'm not as tired now :) I found sugar free barley sugar sweets helped me take the edge of feeling sick off for a while. I hope you start to feel better soon. They say it's a sign of a healthy pregnancy tho :) xxx
I do keep reminding myself that it will be worth it in the end. I went to Holland and Barret and have got some strong ginger ale, which I water down and sip throughout the day. Also got some dried fruit and nuts to nibble on. I've had two weeks holiday from work and back on Saturday and dreading it, I work in retail so can't hide away.
Can sympathise girls.�� I am 6 weeks and losing my mind . Biggest goal of a day is to get out of bed never mind work etc . Actually lay on the floor and cried today I don't know how I will ever manage this . My little girl told me stop moaning lol . But seriously feel like I have the worst hangover with such a sore head , dizziness and sickness not nausea sickness retching but nothing comes up which I wish it would as I would get a least a few minutes relief !?
Tried ginger , dry biscuits , eating every few hours , sea bands etc . At my wits end . How. Am I be excited for this when you constantly feel like total and utter shit ! Going to doctors tomorrow wish me lucky x

How did you get on at the doctors??
Doctors gave me cylcyzine ? Is that right .
Taken two today but felt no different . Maybe takes few days but have to back if no better . Luckily she understood as had two pregnancies with sickness for 9 months !!
Thanks for asking Amy . Fingers crossed your gonna be ok 👌 Working is hard feeling rough !! and I take my hat off to you
Becsy . It's one long pregnancy feeling crap day in day out . Xxx
Yea I'm on cyclizine too - I'm not sure that it does much in terms of reducing nausea - maybe a little bit and it made me Mage drowsy at first too but I think it helps a bit in terms of functioning on a daily basis. May just be placebo effect but hey ho. Think I'd feel better if I could stomach any vegetables or fruit but currently can only really manage chips and toast and sometimes cake and Diet Coke which is making me feel gross too -
my sickness has died down now but I'm still tired all the time!
I'm getting this too, I'm on number 5 and it's so hard to carry on without telling the kids! Just the thought of food makes me heave im struggling with dinner making also!
I find sucking on a mint really helps!

Cyclizine did nothing for me. But I was very ill and hospitalised at 10 weeks with hyperemesis. If you are constantly being sick ask for ondansetron or domperidone, these are the hard hitters and the only thing that let me function. Xx
I've had my worst week for sickness this past week. Feels like a hangover everyday but just have to remind ourselves how it'll be so worth it! Hope you feel better soon xx
I still feel crap too :( started to wean off cyclizine as 9-10 weeks now and was feeling ok ish but going down to one a day has set me right back - going to try and manage now though as shouldn't be for too much longer - hubby has just come home from work, made dinner and put our daughter to bed whilst iv lay on the sofa shivering and generally being no use to anyone - come on second trimester I'm soooo ready for you now x

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