Should I tell the HV?

Miracle babe

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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Rowan has obviously had reflux from day one but it was never diagnosed but because he was so ill and I could never get any help I changed from SMA Gold to Farleys Second, then to Farleys Soya, he tried Neonate in the hospital before finally going back to SMA Gold. Sounds awful doesn't it but I was desperate for him to eat and the HV was zero help. He is now on gaviscon infant which does help but I've heard mention of cow and gate stay down and am wondering if this is worth a try as the gaviscon hasn't worked completely and he is still having trouble feeding. Thing is I feel so guilty about changing his feed and the HV makes me feel like an awful mother (she's got a bloody cheek considering he ended up with a BM of 1.6 thanks to her inability to listen to me concerns :x )
So question is, do you think I should change him and if so should I tell the HV, my initial reaction is not to bother as I take with a pinch of salt anything she says these days - she has totally lost my trust.
Hun if you feel that you need to do that and you think this will help your son, then by all means don't hold back because of a HV, she doesnt live with you or know your son.

You are his mummy and you know deep down whats right for your little one :hug:

There is know harm in trying if nothing else is working :)
Thanks hun but does anyone know why its frowned on so much changing their feeds, hell they have different solids so whats the diff :think:
try him hun and i wouldnt bother telling hv she sounds a bit of an idiot babe, nothing bad will come of trying him with it and all this mummy stuff is trial and error :hug: :hug: :hug: hope you are all well
Thanks AM :hug: I'm going to wait until he finishes this lot of SMA and then try the cow & gate

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