Should i make a complaint?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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I have just moved house and as i am so far away from my old surgery i have moved to the one near my new house (well actually its next door :lol:) which means a new midwife. I was really glad about this as my old midwife was about as useful as a chocolate teapot! She saw me every few weeks and took blood, tested pee which was all great but failed in a BIG way to tell me any of the important stuff. Every app. except for my booking in she had a different student midwife who she basically gave all the work too! The students would take blood, listen to babies heartbeat and she would just sit back. She also confused me by one week telling me he was measuring 2 weeks to big and the 3 weeks later i went and when i read my notes when i got home it said he was measuring 2 weeks smaller?! She never bothered to explain a thing! She also left it too late to tell me about antenatal classes (which i really wanted to go on) and now i cant get on any and also told me not to book my hozzy tour till after 34 weeks...and when i rang the only space left was the day before my due date!!!! Basically she told me nothing and i had no clue really what to ask about as i have never had a baby before! Anyhow my new Midwife is fab, i saw her this morning and she already gave me more info in half an hour than that woman did in 8 months!! She explained how he is laying, that his head is going down. I am also measuring perfect. She also gave me loads of info on breast feeding and gave me lots of useful leaflets and is also coming to my house to explain everything that i will miss at antenatal! Shes a godsend :lol:
The point of this is do you think i should put a complaint in about my old midwife? I kinda feel i should as i would hate for other first time mums to be left in the dark. I think its a disgrace personally. :shakehead:
I would hun she sounds awfull, i had a midwife like this when she was filling in while my usual midwife was off sick but at least that was only one week, you had her for 8 months. Hope you get on ok with this new one she sounds great. :hug:
Definatey as you have said if it stops another woman having a poop time its worth doing.

Glad you have better care now
i would. i moved a fortnight ago, totally didn't think that my doctors would chuck me off their register! they've agreed to stay with me until the end of my pregnancy though.
charlotte_ said:
i would. i moved a fortnight ago, totally didn't think that my doctors would chuck me off their register! they've agreed to stay with me until the end of my pregnancy though.

Cheeky *******s! Thats well bad!
i'm out of their area now, apparently. i only moved 5 miles! i'm just worried i won't get health visitor visits once bubs is born, as that's past the end of my pregnancy, obviously.
charlotte_ said:
i would. i moved a fortnight ago, totally didn't think that my doctors would chuck me off their register! they've agreed to stay with me until the end of my pregnancy though.
Ooh there buggers for that arent they?! It was my docs that moved futher away and if I was to move even next door I would be threw off my docs as Im not in their area anymore! :roll: Nice! haha
And Charlotte, not getting HV visits may just be a god send hahaha :wink:
I would complain too Poochie!

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