Should I go or should I stay?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I will try and cut a long story short :lol:
Basiaclly, Im quite good friends with my cousins ex fiance.
Shes had Joe a few times over night and is a really nice girl.
Shes just invited me to her 22nd birthday next saturday, meet at hers and then go out clubbing.
But the thing is, On the down side: I don't know anyone that she knows and Im not the best person at talking to new people, I never know what to say and I get all shy.
Im 25 weeks pregnant so wont be able to drink bar a glass of wine, so will feel like the odd one out not being drunk and having a laugh.

On the pros: Itll be good for me to get out, I never go out.
also me and my bf just split up so I think it would do me good to go out and feel like I can have fun without him if you know what I mean.

My mum is willing to have Joe, but Im just not sure what to do.
I think If i could drink id go as it would relax me and I wouldnt feel like the odd pregnant one whos not drinking and who doesnt know anyone lol

Oh and the theme is 'wheres wally' so I have to somehow dress up to accomodate a bump as well :lol:

What do people think, to go or not to go?
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Give it a go hun and if you feel uncomfortable put a smile on for a while and make your excuses to leave, lady with a bump an all that ;) could make new friends? x
Go for it, it do you could to get out, and if you find your not enjoying it, you can always use pregnacy symptoms to go home early x
Go :) you can always go to hers for a bit then go home if its to much. I went clubbing a few weeks ago, Don't wear heels !!!! I just drove and left early because i was soo tired, and trustme drunk people talk enough to make up for shyness xx
I think I would go and just play it by ear, wear something comfy and if you aren't enjoying yourself you could just leave? Think that's what I'd do xx
Go out hun, if you go and change your mind you can always make your excuses and leave xx
Thanks everyone, seen as everyone says go think Ill suck it up and go.
Now I need to buy something in the theme of 'wheres wally' lmao any ideas?:L
Sorry first post here hope you don't mind me replying. I was in the same boat as you when I was pregnant with my son and I had been invited out to a few things but I never went as much as I wanted to out of fear of people judging me. I would do what ever you feel comfortable with. :)

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