Should I call midwife??


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2011
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Hi, I went for my 28 week check yesterday, I've had the odd little issue with dizzy spells, but nothing huge, and my blood pressure which has always been good was 140/90...she tested just before I left and it was 130/88. Today I feel a bit off it again, should I contact the mw?? I don't want to bother her? X

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Hi, I went for my 28 week check yesterday, I've had the odd little issue with dizzy spells, but nothing huge, and my blood pressure which has always been good was 140/90...she tested just before I left and it was 130/88. Today I feel a bit off it again, should I contact the mw?? I don't want to bother her? X

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If its worrying you call her.

Btw - tapatalk is showing your address. Xxx
I had high blood pressure yesterday and had a headache this morning ivewoken up with the same headache mw told me I have to call the hospital today to get it checked out. Call your mw just to be on safe side.
I would say if you're worried then call her. It's always best to get these things checked out. Hope everything is ok xxx
Hub that's why they are here font worry and just ring her up for some advice xx

I am just being nosey tbh and i'm nearly allowed to come over so i thought i would pop my head in tri 3, then saw this.

Last week i was getting dizzy spells stood up or even sitting! i couldnt focus on anything either without it making me feel sick!

I had the MW on the wed so asked her, she expalined my blood pressure was fine but i was due for blood tests at 28 weeks. she said that if it continues to see my GP because it could be unrelated to pregnancy.

Touch wood i felt funny for abotu 3 days but i have felt too bad since.

If your worried see you GP :)

Sorry for the instrusion

Thanks everyone, I'm booked in to see the doc at 1.10, I'm sure it'll be fine and dandy, but still best to check. My mw is a bit useless when it comes to contacting her, she says to text her rather than call, which I did at 9.20 am....still haven't heard back from her!!!! Xx

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