should i be offering cooled boiled water - i'm confused!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I had no idea babies could drink cooled boiled water... she is formula fed. Does she need the cooled boiled water? how do i know if she does? when should i offer it??

the other thread on it was the first i'd heard of it! :oops: :oops:
i'm such an amateur!
I never knew when to give Angel it. My HV told me when she was being sick alot or when it's hot, just to hydrate her a little. But she's boobie fed so doesn't take to bottles very well. And just spits it out. I give up with it.
You don't need to give her it unless it's maybe a hot day or if she has been poorly or has a bad tummy or constipation it can help. Until they start solids they don't need it regular though :hug:
The fontanelle is always a good indicator :) If in doubt have a look at that and see how it is. If its a bit sunken in then she could probably do with a bit of water.

In warmer weather always good to get a little bit of water down if you can.

In breast milk the foremilk is the water if you like. So the first minute or so of a feed is the hydration for a baby. Hence breastfed babies not needing water when solely BF. That's probably why you've not heard about it.
No water is needed to be given until weaning unless it's a hot day or there's diarrhoea.

Another way of checking for dehydration is to look at the baby's lips - if they look moist and there's plenty of saliva, there s/he's fine.
I only started giving water when i weaned my children, with food they need the water to help the system flow better and keep everything hydrated - and also can help with constipation as they tend to get it when you introduce foods to them.
I am confused also.
I have been told its not good to give to new borns but I do not understand why.
I will try and look it up and get back to you.
HV said to us to only give water when it's hot and they're sweaty (has only happened once here) or if they're showing signs of constipation (hasn't happened yet). I suppose if you give it too often it will fill them up without giving them the nutrients that their milk gives.
Hmm I'm confused now too, Freya's always had cooled water to drink, wasn't that fussed about it earlier on but she loves it now.

She's a hot baby anyway but really needs to drink lots of water nowadays as she gets so thirsty (shes on solids).

Surely its just the same as us needing a drink- I couldn't go without a drink all day :think:
As long as my son drinks his milk im not bothered to fight with him about drinking water (he totally refuses it unless its in a cup) The way i look at it is he drinks at least 21oz of formula a day and obviously thats 21oz of water to make it. lol thats prob more than id drink in a day!

on the other hand i wish id offered it to ky more so he was use to it. hes 6 months on fri so really guna try with the weaning im hoping as he has less milk he will get thirstier but we'll see!
laura-82 said:
Hmm I'm confused now too, Freya's always had cooled water to drink, wasn't that fussed about it earlier on but she loves it now.

She's a hot baby anyway but really needs to drink lots of water nowadays as she gets so thirsty (shes on solids).

Surely its just the same as us needing a drink- I couldn't go without a drink all day :think:

Think it's different when you're weaning - they need water because they're not getting it from food and milk feeds are reduced.
Morganuk said:
I am confused also.
I have been told its not good to give to new borns but I do not understand why.
I will try and look it up and get back to you.

According to my doctor, if you give water to a baby before weaning age, there's the risk that the water can cause the blood to be too dilute and affect the electrolyte balance. I think that's also the reason why it's so important to make-up formula milk following the exact instrusctions.

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