Should i be giving it to her?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Sorry if there's already a post on this but frankie's always been a hungry baby even from birth she was on sma gold then white which was no good for her then cow and gate omneo comfort which disagreed with her now she's back on sma gold again but anyway as i say she is always hungry sometimes even after having a feed well for the past few nights she has been having little tasters of baby rice and she is really lapping it up and loving it but im a bit worried that im doing wrong here i just wonder if i am right or wrong in doing this???
Hiya Flossy
Everyone has a different opinion on this, as it's such a personal thing.
I personally waited till Brody was 17 weeks (4 months) other people wait till 6 months, and other start earlier than 17 weeks.
Your health visitor would be sure to tell you all about possible liver and kidney damage, but it's up to you how much of that you believe as many years ago babies were weaned on bread dipped in cows milk!
A few years ago the recomendation was 4 months, but before that it was even earlier so I guess what I'm trying to say it that it's up to you!
Thanks urchin when my little boy was born he was having little tasters at 13 wks and he was absolutley fine with it and has turned out to be a big greedy and very healthy 2 yrs old well alomost!! But i guess all babies are different frankie is only having a couple of spoonfulls which she happily takes without a problem. :D
I wouldn't worry too much about it, as long as you don't give her so much she drinks less milk. :)
God no urchin she still loves her milk to much she is only having a coulpe of spoonfulls (baby spoons) of the baby rice you get.
Hi Flossy did you try normal cow & gate hungry baby?

Reece was on SMA gold which did nothing for him really so moved him up to white and he was still always hungry. So then i put him on cow and gate 2 hungry baby one and it was great :D . He was sick a lot with all the types of milks though so i put him on omneo comfort. But thats only to settle stomachs not to fill them.
No i didnt hearts she just went straight onto the omneo comfort when she had finished the sma white but as i say it didnt agree with her at all.
omneo comfort is meant for if they being sick all the time etc. Also it took over a week for Reece to get used to it. You should maybe try the normal cow and gate one then (its the blue one i think :? )
Yeah its the cow and gate plus for hungry babies( the blue one) My eldest used to be on it! Like someone said years ago babies uesd to be weaned a lot earlier, I tryed to wean Jess at 12 weeks and this was discussed with the HV and this was only 5 1/2 years ago. As long as she is getting plenty of milk I would say its fine. I think she would let you know if she didn't want the solids.
HIya flossy,
I personally didnt find that going from sma gold to white made that much diiference. I would be happy to give mine a few spoonfulls at that age (i think i did actually).
Flossy join the club. Rebecca 2 was a starving baby-what makes it worse is she has reflux, spewed all her milk up and then was looking for more. Now Rebecca - 13 weeks now is on baby rice, and it fills her up. She was 11.5 weeks when I started on it tho! Don't worry, it wont do your lo any :dance:

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