Should I BD every other day for the whole cycle?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Do you think it makes sense to BD every other day after AF?
I think it really depends whether you chart, or know when you ovulate (or should ovulate), ie have regular cycles.

If your cycles are regular then it makes more sense to BD 5 days before - to a couple of days after.

If like me you dont know when your likely to "O" (in my case having just come off the pill), then I would personally get BD'ing more often!

However practice makes perfect :D
Fingers crossed for a BFP for this month. If not, I again going to start charting this month but dont want to miss ovulation if I dont quite understand what Im doing. To be honest I am so tired all the time that I would rather not BD every other night :shock:
I think its important to BD alot before ovulation. After you know you have definitely ovulated, which I guess you only know for sure if you chart, there really isnt much point in BDing for anything other than fun!
This was what my doctor recommended - she said that fertility experts don't recommend charting as it just makes you stressed but just BD every other day. I charted for a couple of months just to get an idea of when I oved, and then stopped and just made sure we Bded alot during the 10 days or so around when I estimated Ov to be.
My theroy is the doctors tell men to abstain from sex for 4/5 days before doing a sperm test, to ensure they get a good supply to test, check swim quality etc and sperm can live for upto 3 days. So on this basis on i would bed every 3 to 4 days so hubby has made stronger sperm and bed day before and day after ovulation.

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