shortest time stayed in hospital?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i am curious to find out what the shortest time anyone has stayed after the birth in most of you know im booked for a home birth..but i have written in my notes if i do have to go in i want to be discharged as soon as possible after the birth if there are no problems.

so what is the shortest time i can stay?
Lisa I never set foot in the hospital!! the last time I was there was for my scan!
I asked about this in my hospital and they said 6 hours after delivery I can go home.
Yeah mine say they like to keep people in for a minimum of 6 hrs but as long as u & baby are both ok they dont mind u going home after that unless there are any medical reasons why not. :)

Im hoping for a morning baby so we can be home same day but we shall see!!
yeah mine was 6 hour min, bt bear in mind what time you have baby, i had Jack at 9pm so I didn't get out till 1pm next day cos obviously no one to sign you out during night time
idk hun i had a home birth too- but i guess no-one can force u to stay u can discharge urself if ur ready? :think:
I had Nathan at 1.44pm and was told I could go the same day but no one ever came to discharge me but I think it was mainly cos it was a Saturday. I was discharged the next day instead. With Aimee she was born at 10.25pm and was discharged the next morning.
6 hours here too, but they said if he's born in the afternoon or evening it will be the next day no doubt.
im going to speak to my midwife when she comes to deliver my home birth kit.. and say as long as me and the baby are ok.. im discharging myself asap. lol
We can have a 6 hour discharge as long as LO is born before 3pm- after that it is overnight
my sister gave birth at about 3am and was home by 7am the same day so not long at all
it was her second child :)
manda xx
I'm hoping to give birth in a midwife unit this time and was told I can go home after 3 hours if everythings ok :D

I don't want to stay in longer than needed. I had to stay in overnight with James and the baby in the bed next to me screamed all night and I didn't get a wink of sleep. James slept through it all, sleepy with pethidine :wall: :wall:
i want to stay as long as possible to get help with everything, its all new to me!!!how long can you stay before they kick you out? :lol:
lisa&alex said:
im going to speak to my midwife when she comes to deliver my home birth kit.. and say as long as me and the baby are ok.. im discharging myself asap. lol
Why do you still have to go into hospital with a homebirth?
Kylie1007 said:
lisa&alex said:
im going to speak to my midwife when she comes to deliver my home birth kit.. and say as long as me and the baby are ok.. im discharging myself asap. lol
Why do you still have to go into hospital with a homebirth?

I think from reading Lisa's first post, that she means if she is taken into hospital during the birth, how soon can she leave?

Ah ha...(I am sleep deprived ..hence my denseness at the moment! :rotfl: )
Abigail i was in for 6 hours
Tia i was in for 8 hours
Jordan i was in for 6 hours
Hayden i was in for 5 hours
I have no experience of this yet but my SIL was discharged less than 3 hours after birth. They wanted to wait until baby had a bowel action before being discharged but once he had done this it was all fine.
i came home after 6 hours with harrison, i didn't want to be in there any longer.
yeh my hospital is 6 hrs and i put in my notes that i wanted to be discharged as soon as possible. with first i had her at 5.30pm and went home at 11am next morning. with second i had her at 12.55am and went home at 11.30am, altho becus i had no drugs etc and had no stitches and she was fine the mw did say to me do you want to stay in overnight or go home but i opted to stay in overnight so they sed they would definately let me go first thing as soon as visiting came.


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