Short and shorter


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So after getting my Marena coil out in Jan Ive had cycles as follows.....

Jan to Feb 27 days 14 day Lphase
Feb to March 25 days 12 day Lphase
March to April 33 days 16 day Lphase
April to May 29 days 15 day Lphase
May to Jun 24 days 13 day Lphase
June to June 23 days 14 day Lphase
(two periods in June)!!!

So my Lphase has varied from 12 to 16 days....I thought it was only meant to vary around 1 days either way?? Correct me if Im wrong!

And my periods are getting closer and closer together having had one Af arrive on the 5th of mayand another on 29th!

Whats going on there then??

Anyone else having similar and is this normal?

As weve been trying now for 6 months and 7 cycles and because of our age we can now go to Drs and see what they advise....

Just find it all strange....Ive only just finished AF yesterday and apparently Im already in my extra fertile stage and will Ovulate again in 3 days!! Its exhausting poor husband!! lol xx
Ha ha, poor husband! I ov only a couple of days after af as well and have a short cycle (only 24 days altogether) but see this as a massive bonus! Think how much more chances you have over the course of a year to get pg. My cycles seemed to shorten when we started TCC and stayed the same short length ever since, I am convinced my body knows and is producing eggs as fast as it can manage to help, like a primal instinct, like how your sex drive and your attractiveness to men naturally increases during ovulation, mother nature helps out!
Ha never thought of it like that Clem...just thought NOOOOOOOOO more AF's!! But hey if we get a helping hand why not!

As long as my LP doesnt get any shorter lol!
Well poor husband has been warned Im on the prowl again as of today lol....better give him extra weetabix ehh!! lol xxx
My cycles have been changing and like you my LP has ranged from 12 days to 16,
I'm going to book an appointment for accupuncture to see if that helps regulate them - because I am suddenly 2 days early again,
Its driving me mad!!!!
HA HA HA Extra Weetabix I like that Wilma!!:) :) :)
Hmmm peculiar bodies arnt they bonny!!! lol Well Im seeing Dr on 6th July to see what she advises about us two old goats! lol

Ha Vicky poor thing hes going to be wrecked again if my cycles keep staying this short lol! hee hee xxx
Don't forget to eat extra mackerel if you are 'prowling' ;-)

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