shes here


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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i went to hospital on tuesday as i couldnt keep anything down and hadnt slept after checking me over i was told was 3cm. i was very dehydrated so they put me on a drp. i was in so much pain! wednsday at around 5 i finally got to 4cm and was sent to the delivery suit as the birth centre said i was too poorly. my contractions were threw the roof so at 9.30 we were shocked to find i was still only 4cm. i had an epi and my waters broken, she had pooped. i was still in pain even with the epi,the midwife said it happens to around 5 out of 100. the trace kept losing her so they put a clip on her head. at around 11 my tempand pluse went crazy and i blacked out. then babys heart went crazy. i was put on an antibiotic drip and after 20 minutes i blcked out again. i woke upwith about 15 people around me. i was preped for a csection, they topped up my epi but then said there wasnt enough time so gave me a general. evelyn was born at 12.41am on the 17th of april. im still in hospital and have an infection. she was 9lb3. will rewrite this when im home as this permier bedside is shite n its hard to use a touch screen with an iv.
Aww hun, sorry to hear your experience wasn't all that good. Glad baby is well.

Best wishes, hope you feel great real soon!!!
:hug: :hug: Congratulations!!! Hope you are feeling better soon.
sounds like you had a tough time, glad the worst is over for you, cant wait to see pics of ur bundle of joy x
:hug: you poor thing hope you are home and feeling better soon
Awwww-sorry to hear about your tough experience. Hope you are both ok now. i bet she is georgeous. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad to hear everything has turned out ok, but such an awful experience.

Congratulations though, sounds like youre on the mend :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer:
Congrats on the birth of your daughter! :cheer: :cheer:

sorry you've had such a hard time, I hope you are both home soon :hug: :hug:
awww congratulations hunny :dance:
sorry you had such a hard time
hope your home soon love with your little one
:hug: :wave:
9 lb 3?! Good on you!

Congratulations on the birth of Evelyn - what a gorgeous name! :hug:
sorry to hear that you've had such a hard time i hope you feel better soon. :hug:
congratulations on the birth of your daughter!!!!!!!! :D :hug: :cheer: :dance:
sarah. x x x
congrats hunni!! :cheer: :cheer:

really hope you're better soon and both can come home xx
You've done so well Rachel to get through such a difficult labour! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! :cheer:
shes in neonatal :( i'm lost without her. i asked about her cheeks were so red and they took her off for tests, the bloods are fine but the swabs arent back. they are trying to push me into bottle feeding as when was fhere she couldnt latch on, but it was because she had hiccups. just wnt dwn to feed herand she got on fine but they want to keep her until morning so i can rst and recover as im told im doing too much. had my cthetr out early and nw i cant pee :( hearing other peoples babies is making me so sad i want my famly together. they kiced my oh out lst niht leaving me unable to move with a newborn crying. i want to go home but its looking more and more like monday now. they started me on oramoph this morning i feelodd.
Aww Rachel, I am so sorry this has happened, no wonder you are feeling so sad. I hope the tests come back clear, it must be worrying, but also so sad not having your new little girl with you. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think it is sad they kicked your partner out too, it sounds like you could really do with the support.
I really hope you manage to get some rest and they bring your baby back asap!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
how some people see csection as the easy option is beyond me! i wish id listened when they told me i ws over doing it. ijust woke up nd my morphine had worn off i coughed and thought i was about to rip in 2! had my 4th iv line replacemeant evelyn pulled one out and my oh dropd his bag n sent my drip flying too but im not going to tell him he fusses enough as it is the oter just fell out. i found out earlier despite being the one who calmed me enough to go in to theatre my mom broke down after id been taken. im so sore i can see why i was told off so much yesterdy for walking to the neo now instead of askin a porter to take me.

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