She's forgotten how to eat solids!!!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Ok, we introduced some baby rice to Imogen at 19 weeks old. Just a spoonful at tea time. She wolfed it down so we carried on with this. 2 weeks later she came down with diarrhoea and then got a cold afterwards and was not feeding well at all. We put that down to being bunged up etc. When she was feeling better we re-introduced solids - rice - and she took it ok, but wasn't as eager as before.

I started to add a little carrot or butternut squash to the rice and she seems ambivalent to it all now. Whereas she used to open her mouth wide at the sight of the spoon now she does nothing. She just prefers to drink milk. I know she is hungry as she drinks more milk than usual and has started waking in the night for milk, whereas she wasn't before.

Also we give her calpol on a spoon when her teething is really bad and again she would always open her mouth... but yesterday, she did nothing!

Should I start again, just giving her rice at tea time for a while, then lunch too and then for breakfast??? Then maybe re-introduce solids?

What I have noticed is that she always likes milk before eating any solids (when she was eating them) but is she filling up on milk??? So no room for solids?

Also, she doesn't seem to drink much all morning... she only takes 3-4 oz at 7.30am and can then go til 1pm before needing a feed.... should I be worried or shall I keep offering milk/solids during the morning? (her last feed at night is 11/11.30pm)

Any advice ladies?

Maybe she isn't ready for solids.. have you thought about waiting a little longer.. continuing with just milk for now then in a few weeks trying again :)
Yes I have thought about that.... we may just seems weird after her initial enthusiasm...

HV advised us to start weaning as she was showing all the signs.. maybe the illnesses have thrown her a bit.

OH and I discussed it and we are going to stick to milk for now (making more bottles if need be) and just re-introduce rice at tea time like we did before. If she turns her nose up, we'll leave it a few days, then try again. She is 6 months in a couple of weeks, so we know we have to start to wean her properly soon anyway...

thanks Sweetcheeks. :D
I think it does knock them out of sync a little when they get poorly. Maybe when she gets to around 6 months you could also introduce finger foods too, you may find cos she can play with the food she's a bit more enthusiastic. Good luck with it and hope she is feeling better now :hug:

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