She's Finally Here :D (long story)


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2011
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I was booked in for an induction on sat 3rd at 9.30pm due to SPD.

We arrived at the hospital only to be told they were too busy, i had to go home and they would call me through the night to go back in. I got call at 11pm to go back in and was taken to the induction suite to get things started.

Me an baby were monitored and had the first gel at 1am and waited for 6 hours to be examined again at 7am, which showed hardly any change. At 7.20am sunday morning i had the second lot of gel to be checked again at 1.20pm. ( in the meantime i was moved to the delivery room as the needed the space)

When i got checked there was still not much change. I had to then wait until 4pm to be examined again. Doctor said i was only 1cm but they were able to break my waters and was put in the IV drip.

I had an epidural at 7.40pm then stayed in slow labour on gas and air through the night. At 12am monday morning they said that baby was distressed and they had to stop the iv for a while as i may need a section and they needed the theatre free just in case. I was finally put back on the drip at 4am and examined and i had dialated to 4cm by myself.

By 12.30pm monday i was 10cm and told to push, after trying to push for an hour, they told me that she was getting distressed and her shoulder was stuck, so i was taken into theatre to be cut and for forceps delivery.

She arrived at 1.23pm Monday 5th September weighing 7lb 4oz. We were finally allowed home on wednesday night and she is amazing :) xxx
Congratulations! Sounds like you had a right time of it, hope you recover quickly! What did you name her?
Congratulations!!! Lovely name :D
Sounds like you had a rough time :( glad all is ok though and you have ur daughter safely :)
Congrats! Chloe is a lovely name. I hope you have recovered well :)

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