She had to fooking visit didnt she


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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The witch has got me on cd27 earliest yet now, so im into my 13th month of ttc now, ffs when will it be my turn, im feeling so bitter at the moment, why the hell wont i et pg, what have i bloody done to deserve this, sorry have to rant its taking the piss god damn cycles :wall: :wall:
:wall: Dont worry hun, i know its hard, we all the same, but it will get easier, im thinking of you and im here if you need to talk, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Af is a cow, :pray: :pray: for next month xxxx
:hug: :hug:

I'll soon be on month 13 with you hun. PM if you need to talk :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone, i really thought it was agood sign as i started with just brown spotting, never had it be for and beacuase it was only cycle day 27 i thought cant be af but it is, not really heavey uyetb but too heavy for ib im sure, just never thought id be here after a year, im deffo gonna give the doc abuse if she says just to wait i shall go mental, congrats to all who have got bfps, like rach hun :hug: Im really sorry i dont go in those topics much aletlet i hope i dont sound like a cow but im so happy for you but sometimes i just think, when will it be my bloody turn, wish everyone a happy and healthy 9 months though, honestly i aint no nasty moo but atm everythings getting to me ttc wise, even now im not thinking bout it but im sure theres something wrong with one of us:( I will pm u skairdy :hug:
Someone please tell me it gets easier, i sound like a right moaning cow but icant cope with this at all, i dont think ill ever have anymore kids and my hearts breakingright now :cry:
I feel exactly the same Littlelady. Af just turned up after 13 months TTCing and i am convinced now that i will never get a bfp. I am so jealous of people who get theirs that i am avoiding this forum more and more. It is heartbreaking every month and i feel time is running out. I was wondering if it get's easier or harder... i dunno how much harder it can get though...
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel the same notty, everyone keeps saying 'give it time' espeially my mum, prob because shes so fertile with 4 kids lol but its really bugging me big time, got docs tomoz so we will see :hug: Pm me if you ever need to chick
aww hun i know the feeling as weve been trying for about 10-11 months now if you ever need a chat just pm or im on msn :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks rach, its much appreciated darling, cant get on msn though this puter wont download it :x I will pm you though chick :hug:
Poor you think we all feel like that at times BUT dont get disheartened....
We have been trying for 3 yrs and fell pregnant last month but then m/c @ 5 weeks.
Keep positive all the girls on this site are fab and very supportive!!!
Chin up and lots of babydust to all.

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