Sharp pains?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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So I've been having your run of the mill Braxton Hicks
But over the last week or so,every so often I will get this really sharp pain,kind of low down on my bump.It tends to stop me in my tracks if I've been walking or whatever.And last night in the bath,i got it again,but instead of going away after a few seconds,it stayed for a minute or two.

I'm probably being paranoid,it's probably the baby stabbing me with a big toenail or something,but what do you think?
:hug: well u have a few more weeks yet love, i use to have it all the time, my mw put it down to your body getting ready and the head engaging :dance: good luck :hug:
See that's the thing,I thought it may be the head,but the babys breech :( .Still,if you got it and you were fine,it's most likely nothing.Thanks :)
ring your midwife it will settle your mind, i use to panic about everything all the time :hug:
hi hun i have had this pain a few times over past week or two. i mentioned it to my m/w yesterday who told me it sounds like LO tugging on umbilical cord which can get quite painful as they get bigger. my placenta is at the front and i get the pain just above my bellybutton which makes me bend over it is quite sharp. she said its nothing to worry about unless i get any bleeding. if you are worried ask m/w im sure they will be able to help.

Well that's put my mind at ease.I have an appointment tomorrow anyway so I'll ask then. Thank you all so much :)

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