Sorry if this is TMI but i was wondering if anyone else is suffering from the same.
I have had the odd pain on and off over the last few weeks but today it is really umcomfortable. Every so often when walking I get a really sharp pain right up inside, it almost feels like the baby's head is pushing down on something, its like a stabbing pain.
I don't know if it's cause me and hubby had 'cuddles' last night that it is more painful today.
I have the midwife this week so will mention it to her but just wanted to hear from you lot as well. I am sure its nothing and probably just something to do with the fact that this is baby number three and my muscle tone down there is pretty non existent and so there isn't much to hold the poor baby up!!
Baby is also very active today and I keep getting braxton hicks and bump does feel and look slightly lower so that may also be the reason.