Sharp Pain in Belly Button!?! What Could It Be?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girlies,

have not posted for a while due to problems with my internet....Hope you and bumps are all fine and dandy....

For the last two days I have been experiencing on and off sharp pains in my belly button and sometimes around it!! :shock: Don't know what this could be!! it is so sharp that it takes my breath away!!!

Everything else is great - any suggestions?

Julia xxx
I am 20 weeks!

The pain almost feels like cramp when it happens but it is really weird that it is in my belly button!

Julia x
Could be you growing as its in the right spot (20 weeks your fundle height should be near the belly buttton)

Its not LO prodding you is it? When she was a bit littler my Lo used to pull something and it felt like cramp :think:
I have had this few times and I agree, it does hurt! I think it maybe your LO tugging at your insides :hug:
Thanks for your replies,

If it is LO tugging at my insides then that's fine!

I also think that it maybe due to the fact that my womb has now reached my Belly Button as aralintalovegrove suggested - did not even think of that! :doh:

Since posting, have not had it again - typical!!!

Julia xxxxxx
Julia said:
Thanks for your replies,

Since posting, have not had it again - typical!!!

Julia xxxxxx

Hehe thats sods law for you, but glad its stopped for now, dont worry though LO will find another interesting way to grab at your insides and cause you discomfort real soon :D

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