shall i let her or stop her?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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melissa really loves stcking her fist into her mouth lately. i think its cute but my mum thinks it will be very hard if she starts sucking her thumb to stop her from doing it when shes a toddler. apparently u "can take a dummy away but not a thumb!" but she wont take a dummy. what do u think?
Yeah, could be the start of teething, as Nic said. There'll be plenty of fist chewing on the way!! I purposely gave Jude a dummy because he started sucking his thumb. Somebody I know sucked both their thumbnails off when they were a baby through thumb sucking!!! :shock:
If you think she's suckin her thumb, I'd keep trying her with the dummy.
My littleman does it to, i dont stop him, mainly cause i think its cute.

Some people would rather them suck their thumbs rather than dummies, i let him do both.
if she won't have a dummy then that maybe her way of getting comfort..

Dylan has a dummy sometimes he takes it out to suck his thumb..I don't encourage him but babies explore with their mouths so I let him do what he wants to do

Trix trust you instincts on what is right..Someone said to me before Dylan was born you will always find someone who disageees with everything you do , just peoples opinions
I wouldn't stop her. Dan has a dummy, sometimes I wish he sucked his thumb as I am forever getting up in the night to put his dummy back in his mouth!! :lol:
willow sucks her thumb, fist, and fingers and i let her do if i give her a dummy she will chew for a little while and then spit it out plus it comforts her and that is the main thing.
I wish Sam would learn to suck his thumb, then I wouldn't have to get up at night to give him his dummy! :sleep: He loves his dummy, so did Molly.
Aimèe sucks her thumb and has done since she was a baby.
She does it when she's tired and it doesn't worry me in the slightest, her teeth are absolutely fine. She's able to comfort herself this way so why should I stop her?
Nathan won't have a dummy either and he ALWAYS has something in his mouth. Either his finger, his thumb or fist, I just let him. I'm finding it much easier havin a baby who doesn't have a dummy cos the girls had dummies and they were nothing but trouble.
Austin has a dummy but sucks his thumb or middle 2 fingers as well. I still suck my thumb now so I always said I'd stop him but I think it looks so cute I let him do it!! It also helps him settle himself. I'd say let her do it for now.
Seb wont keep his dummy in he really doesnt seem to like it. Like Melissa he likes to suck his fingers or fist. When he is laying on either mine or Alec's chest he sucks his hand till he is asleep. At least they can find their own comfort.
My LO has been teething for about a month and he has his fist in his mouth most days or his thumb. It is for comfort and he won't take a dummy. I'm just going to let him do what comes naturally to him and what is comforting and worry about it later. Me and his dad both had crap teeth and braces when we were younger so we figured he might as well suck his thumb as his genes mean bad teeth anyway :lol:

I sucked my thumb till I was about 11 and its done me no harm! My teeth are perfectly straight, I never wore a brace and both my thumbs are the same size :)

Lou :)
lou said:

I sucked my thumb till I was about 11 and its done me no harm! My teeth are perfectly straight, I never wore a brace and both my thumbs are the same size :)

Lou :)

I was the complete opposite. Sucked my thumb till I was 6. Needed a brace at 11 and even now they arent perfect. My thumbs are the same size though. I think a thumb sucker though is obviously sucking the thumb or finger rather than the fist.
Conal is just growing out of sucking and chewing his fist, he has a dummy too and i tend to stick that in instead there is nothing better then a big slobbery hand hitting you in the face :lol:

I wouldn't worry it's probobly just teething


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