

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2011
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My partner is really struggling with me not wanting to have sex. Prior to falling pregnant we were at least a 3/4 times a week couple, and it kept us harmonious!! Now we are down to once every couple of weeks, and I only do it then for his benefit, it just feels different, uncomfortable and, well, dry for want of a better word(sorry!!!). His thinking is if I'm not doing the act itself, I should be at least offering to 'help him out' but even that's an effort, and it irritates me that he makes such a big deal of it, rather than thinking, bless her, I'll give her a break for a while. I understand his frustration but in the same breath, I'm growing a person here and I don't really care!!! Any similar stories or advice greatly received!!! X

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Aww, I can sympathise completely with that feeling of just not 'feeling like it', growing a baby is hard work and all your energy goes towards that!!! Added to that the actual physical symptoms that pregnancy brings, dryness etc that you mention (though that seems to have improved dramatically with me lately!!). I'm very lucky my hubby is very understanding and doesnt pressure me or make me feel bad!!!

You have a perfectly good reason not to feel up to it, and my opinion is that any man should understand!!! lol. Maybe have a chat with your partner and explain exactly how you are feeling. It won't be like this forever afterall. xxx
My DH and I have only dtd 6 times the whole pregnancy and he has had no 'helping hands' from me either lol Luckily it freaks him out a bit that there is a baby growing in my belly :) So the fact I'm not up to it doesn't matter too much. Xx
my sex drive has gone way down but hubby has been really good about it thank god
I put it down to 2 things, 1)he's only 28 and I'm 34 and 2) my first marriage broke down around the time I was pregnant and we didn't sleep together for 2 years before finally parting....he's prob thinking history is repeating itself, not the case at all xx

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