SEX: Yes please or No thanks?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I was just wondering how everyone felt about sex at the moment?

I noticed in the very early part say between 2 and 6 weeks my sex drive disapeared completely. But last week so I have been like a 17 year old boy!!!! I think I am literally knackering out my OH.

sorry if TMI! :rotfl:

How is everyone else feeling about sex at the moment?

Its been that long I think I've forgotten what to do :rotfl:

Its been a while! I do want to but Im scared at the minute, dont want anything to go wrong! Poor OH :lol:
I've been off sex since having ds2 nearly 18 months ago!! :lol:

2nd trimester pregnancy I usually get some sex drive back though.

Too tired at the moment to do anything but sleep when I go to bed.

Heather x
Its not of my prioritys at the minute, but when we do have it its better than ever im really sensitive at the minute

I'm scared and trying to get to 12 weeks and have a scan before I feel I can relax properly.

But to be honest I'm bloated and so full of wind I feel like a balloon and I have to be careful when bending down not to fart :oops:

So I've not enjoyed sex recently. Poor DH will have to wait a few more weeks :shakehead: It won't kill him, contrary to what he believes.

Went off it completely for the first 10 weeks or so, then did a complete turnaround! Talking 10 or 11 times a week for 3 weeks!

Calmed down a bit now. The urge comes & goes...
yeah its very strange the way I feel right now I have gone from being too tired and bloated to be abit of a sex maniac. But I will admit I do still have my off days when I would rather sleep than do anything else!
I have had sex every day with OH at least once for the last year or so!

No my drive hasn't least once a day ...even through sickness, it actually made me feel better!

At the mo I could prob do more often , don't think OH can cope tho :shock:

I have the strangest dreams about sex too!

Does anyone else get these?
OOOOH yes! I am having the most graphic and vividly detailed dreams about sex.

Its like free porn! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i wanted to wait until my scan before we bd again but we never and did it last night,wish i waited though as now my pelvis is killing and ive been hurting all day sex life last pregnancy was non existant from 2nd tri,looks like it may be this time
For the most part i enjoy sex.... I am afraid i have to wait until i am fit enough again, But whey hey, I plan not to waste the 6 weeks of rest and building his little soldier so we can get straight back to making babies well ok TTC again and having lots of fun trying.... Poor OH hasn't been getting it as often as we used i know there will be no complaints in the lets TTC department again.... just need to keep him amused in other ways until then..... i think i might be needing some of your vivid dreams
Take care and enjoy your... ummmm :hug:
wish i was having vivid sex dreams, mine have been horrible, i woke up the other night and could have swarn i had a big bird pecking at my head and it wouldnt stop so put a pillow over my head to stop it and went back to sleep :think: :rotfl:
Aren't vivid dreams funny!! :lol:
Twice when I was pregnant I would be having a kinky dream,wake up and I'd be on top of DF :shock: :oops: TMI :rotfl: Thought it was quite funny, if not a bit wierd!

Better not happen again this time! Strict instructions to go no where near his pecker till they say it's safe!
i will tell you about my vivid dream last night - it involved me and James Twelvetrees from You Rang M'Lord! We were something of an item!!! :shock:

I have been having the most pornographic dreams since I became pregnant, I just hope I am lying quiet and still while I am asleep! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
sex whats that ?? lol nope ive gone completely off it at the min poor hubby doesnt know whats going on i just dont feel like it at all im either feeling sick tired or sore boobs think hes scared to come near me :lol:
mines dissapeared this time (poor oh) i just feel so tired all the time and after running around after 3 kids all day i just wanna sleep lol

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