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The babys sex


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Was just wondering whether you will find out the sex of your baby before its born?

Im in two minds about it (i know its early days). A part of me would like to know so i can get more prepared but another part of me thinks i'd love the surprise at the end.

Claire x
Definetly gonna find out if i get far enough, i've never even thought of having a suprise
I'm the opposite - I never considered finding out!

I want a surprise! I can't keep a secret and it just doesn't seem right ringing my mum to say "He/She has been born" or even knowing the name.

It was one of the best things from last time having the surprise.
Hello! I found out the sex and I've got to tell you, for me, it was the best thing ever! I'm so so so excited now and she has an identity and I can start planning etc. I've bought lots of pink things (because really, due to my situation being 20, living at home currently and having no dad around, it was so practical for me because I've bought outfits up until she's 9 months old!)

I am more excited now, knowing the sex, than I was before I found out.

We are planning on finding out, it will be more practical for us plus I'm dying to know!
I'm not sure, don't think they do 20 week scan's or tell you here so would have to book in for a 3D scan privately to find out. Although surprise would be good I know if I had the chance I'd be gagging to find out! OH would prefer to stay team green but sure he can be pursuaded!
I didn't find out. My hospital don't tell you and I couldn't justify the cost of a private scan.

also I wanted a surprise - only got 3 weeks to go and I have something to be excited about ;)
I will be finding out!!
Well I think? haha I know I will ask, I know I will but if they cant tell me I wont be too bothered!
With my others I really really wanted to know at 20 weeks!!
I didn't find out last time and won't be this time either. I just love the surprise at the end too much! I loved that last time my OH was the one to tell me our baby's sex, not some stranger in an ultrasound room.
I'm not going to find out..... although I think the waiting will be too much for me and I'll end up finding out at the 20 week scan. At the minute I'm staying team green but I don't know how long that will last.
we're gonna try n find out at the 20 week scan :)
I was sort of hoping they would be able to tell us when I have my second scan. We have already started discussing names!!! Feel bad when we do in case anything goes wrong, but just cant help ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eeeek - when will these first few weeks pass!!!!!!!!!!
We didn't find out with our first and I loved having that surprise after going through labour! I feel more tempted this time to find out just to know if we are going to have another boy or 1 of each but we have both said we are going to keep it a surprise again :D
definately - i cannot wait 9 full months to find out - thats torture lol - going to find out as soon as we can :lol: although havent even asked OH if he wants to find out yet :rotfl:
I always thought I wouldn't want to find out... and then I got pg... It took a whole 3 days to change my mind :wink:
I can't wait to know if it's a blue or a pink bump!!!
me and OH have talked about this quite a bit and we both want to stay Team Green

I think as things progress we might be a tiny bit tempted to find out.


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