Sex question


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
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I'm just wondering when you ladies stopped/are planning to stop having regular sex? We're still indulging in frequent sessions of how's your father. Apart from a few weeks early on when I really didn't fancy it, it's been business as usual.

They (whoever they are) say it's okay up until 8 months - is that right? But then other peeps have sex at the end in order to bring on labour, don't they? It would be a bit weird stopping only to start again a few weeks later. Anyone keep going all the way through - and is that perfectly safe and stuff?

Ta for reading :)
I have been told different things about sex during pregnacy I was told it was okay after 14 weeks to birth. Depending on how you do it.
Most woman before the 13 week period have no intrest in sex I am 11 weeks 2 days.

I have been told most woman have sex to start labor and have been told its very successful my friend was 10 days late and thats how her labour was started.
Hia :wave:

Well we havent stopped! I havent heard that it is not safe later on in pregnancy :think: . In fact at the moment it is like we are TTC again...this baby needs to come out! :lol:
We havent stopped at all, and continued from when I first fell pregnant.........albeit its only once a week!

I have read that sex only brings on labour if your cervix is ready for the birth.....and never thought it was a problem to continue right the way through!

I have to admit its actually good fun now though, and enjoy it more now than I did earlier on!
unless you have been given a reason not to then carry on, we have been having sex the whole time but not so often nearer the end simply because its harder for me to enjoy, we had the 'bring on labour' sex the other day but since my sweep am losing to much yuk to want it now.
I think when people are advised to avoid sex early on that's because of a history of loss, rilup. But like you say, many don't seem to feel like it in the first tri anyway. It can be hard to feel enthusiastic (and sexy) when you are throwing up every five mins :wink:

Ah thanks, Ellie and Sally. Good to know. I've gone a bit sex-mad lately. I'm having some pretty saucy dreams too. Heh, I wasn't keen on the idea that we might have to stop.

edit: cheers hennaly :)
we didnt do much from about 20 weeks when we strated referring to bubs as "him" - felt a bit weird and i totally went off it (much to hubby's disgust)

But were doing it more than ever now :lol: I want this baby out
pickled_onion compeltly right hard to feel sexy when you have you're head in the pan all the time. That and the fact my boyfriends keeps telling me I have that nice pregnant glow...he would be glowing if he was being dsick as often as me lol.
But its changing the morning sickness is less frequent now.
My friend said she wasn't attracted to her boyfriend when she was pregnant??
I found this odd because before I had my miscarriege 13 weeks ago me andmy boyfriend were all over each other all the time which explains why I am 11 weeks pregnant again....noone toldme I would be more fertile... :D
sorry crashing from tri 2- i wish we could have sex!!! We have been told very strictly that we can't because i have complete Placenta Praevia, I bled quite a bit the last time we had sex so it was scary but now foreplay is even a nono although i have to admit i have given in to some heavy petting a few times, i can't help it i miss that 'thing' between me and hubby too much!
unless youve been told otherwise sex should be fine, we hardly been having sex i feel guilty now poor hubby :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yep unless a doc tells you otherwise there's no problem with sex at any time up until your waters break (risk of infection after that). Have fun :wink:
rilup said:
That and the fact my boyfriends keeps telling me I have that nice pregnant glow...he would be glowing if he was being dsick as often as me lol.

Heh, I was also more green than glowing back then. Fluorescent green :lol:
Sorry to hear about your loss, btw. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy! :hug:

:hug: That must be difficult, Cixes. Like you I'm all loved up at the mo, it's like when we first met. The closeness. Sorry for you :(

I will, maybebaby. I will :lol:
i got told by the doctor not to have sex in the 1st tri because of bleeding, after about 15 weeks we started again , but i had no energy after 20 weeks so have not had it since then, plus it was so uncomfortable
i am entirely jealous of all you women having sex through your entire pregnancy.
i had sex through most of it, we slowed down.. well pretty much stopped at 28 weeks.
my OH is completely put off by me. it doesnt make me feel very good at all. he has made comments about how weird it is to even touch me because of my roundness. :(
i hide in the bathroom to change and i feel very untractive. i like to look in the mirror and explore my interesting new body, it sucks that he is not as intruiged by it as i am.
uhg men!
count your blessing ladies that have men that still want to be intimate with them!
because i suffered 3 miscarrys b4 this pregnancy i was told aviod sex for the first 3 months but apart from that it shouldnt be a problem ans yes at the end of the pregnancy when u want baby out doggy style sex is very good lol jus dont have sex if your waters have broken :eek:
stace914 said:
i am entirely jealous of all you women having sex through your entire pregnancy.
i had sex through most of it, we slowed down.. well pretty much stopped at 28 weeks.
my OH is completely put off by me. it doesnt make me feel very good at all. he has made comments about how weird it is to even touch me because of my roundness. :(
i hide in the bathroom to change and i feel very untractive. i like to look in the mirror and explore my interesting new body, it sucks that he is not as intruiged by it as i am.
uhg men!
count your blessing ladies that have men that still want to be intimate with them!

Oh hun :hug: :hug:
Is he put off by you though, or actually the thought of having sex whilst a baby is growing inside - which seems to be a common fear by many men :wall:
Big :hug: for Stace.

I've just seen a pic of you in the tummy pics thread and you are gorgeous, love. Far from unattractive.
Well our midwife stated sex twice a day to help induce labour... but doesn't seem to be working! ha ha
thanks for the compliment elliebelle.
it might be a little bit of both... the baby growing inside, and that my body is so foreign and strange to him right now.
baby is almost here! though!!! im too happy about that, to feel as distraught as i felt when i wrote that post!!!
We havnt/wont stop, and didnt with my first pregnancy either x

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