sex in pregnancy


New Member
May 26, 2006
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has anyone found that they fancy sex less or more in their pregnancy.personally i find i want it more towards the middle.anyone else feel the same.
Hiya Jane and welcome to the forum!
How many weeks are you?
I will then move this to the other section where the women who are at the same stage as you can answer your question :)
I went off it completely in the first trimester, but I think that may have been because I constantly felt sick, and was absolutely shattered.

My sex drive has come back now, but it's changed from before. Sorry if this is TMI :oops: , but before, I liked sex to last for at least an hour, if not longer, and this would be every day. Now, I like it to be over in less than 5 minutes, quicker if possible!!!! I don't know if it's because my changing body shape has resulted in less acrobatics and position possibilities, but as soon as we start, I want it to finish!!! :lol: :lol:

Although, I have to say that 'the moment' is a lot more intense for me now. :D But then afterwards, I get a HUGE braxton hicks type thing that has me doubled up in pain for a minute or two (but with both of us usually laughing at the same time!!!! :lol: )
Ooops, sorry Urchin! I replied before you had time to move this!!! I was checking the 'posts since last visit' and hadn't even noticed what section this was in!!

Too busy wanting to tell the whole world about my sexual antics!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
i am 13 weeks pregnant and this will be my 4th baby
tankett said:
Too busy wanting to tell the whole world about my sexual antics!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
jane said:
i am 13 weeks pregnant and this will be my 4th baby

Congratulations Jane, hopefully the other 2nd trimester moms will be able to help you.

(I went off sex totally throught my whole pregnancy) :oops:
urchin said:
(I went off sex totally throught my whole pregnancy) :oops:

Think at this rate i am going to be exactly the same as you! :oops:
Didnt fancy it up until about 18 weeks. Now I'm a man eater and my hubby is very afraid :wink: :lol:
I found I didnt want my OH near me to start with ....
Sex drive is sooo very back to normal now! hehe :oops:
I got the question the other day 'Do you just want me for sex?' :shock:

Im normaly the one asking that question :?
Nice to have the shoe on the other foot for a change, show him how it feels lol

totally gone off it... at first i was parnoid about the baby... thought i'd be okay after my 12 week scan.. but NO... just don't feel sexy! now i'm in 3rd trimester i find it uncomfortable... i feel fat and very unattractive! I keep saying to DH - wait till i'm back to a size 10 and feeling confident again... confident and sexy...

jesus tankett - when did you find the time for an hour a day - where did you find the energy....

jane said:
has anyone found that they fancy sex less or more in their pregnancy.personally i find i want it more towards the middle.anyone else feel the same.

well in my previous pregnancies ive been like a horny devil all the way through. With this pregnancy i was a horny devil in the first trimester then its sort of pittered off to nothing really. I can take it or leave it. In fact id go as far as to say id be content never to have it again.

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