I went off it completely in the first trimester, but I think that may have been because I constantly felt sick, and was absolutely shattered.
My sex drive has come back now, but it's changed from before. Sorry if this is TMI

, but before, I liked sex to last for at least an hour, if not longer, and this would be every day. Now, I like it to be over in less than 5 minutes, quicker if possible!!!! I don't know if it's because my changing body shape has resulted in less acrobatics and position possibilities, but as soon as we start, I want it to finish!!!
Although, I have to say that 'the moment' is a lot more intense for me now.

But then afterwards, I get a HUGE braxton hicks type thing that has me doubled up in pain for a minute or two (but with both of us usually laughing at the same time!!!!
