Severe Stabbing Pains


New Member
Jun 9, 2012
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Hello ya'll. I hope everyone is well. I currently about to be 13 weeks, but for the past month now I have had severe stabbing pains in my pelvic area. To the point of where work had sent me home and would not let me come back to I got a doctor's clearance. The pain originally started when they discovered a slight hemorrhage between the placenta and uterus, but within two weeks it had gone away. However, the pain did not. Now, 4 weeks later the doctor told me its probably just stretching pains. I'm now cleared to return back to work, but my concern is my own ability to work. My job requires me to be walking around and on my feet 8 hours at a time. I'm scared and nervous. Has anyone one else experienced this? Do they get better?
Hi, welcome to the forum and sorry you've been suffering. If the pains are really severe I'd go back to see your gp or give your mw a call. I've had some stabbing pains over the last week or so but nothing severe, it sounds like you're having a tough time with them:(
You've had a comfirmed problem there before so take your self to A&E hun. They'll do a scan and make sure everything is okay and the problems not got worse.
Hope you're feeling better. I'm 4 weeks in and also having horrible stabbing pains and am worried it might be ectopic.

With regards to your ability to work... the law in Europe (where I am) is that if you're pregnant and can't do a job because it affects your health or the health of the baby then an employer has to find you another job that you can do within the company for the same pay. The USA unfortunately isn't as advanced in woman's rights issues with regard to pregnancy (eg maternity leave) so I don't know what the situation is in your state but you should look into it. You might be entitled to disability pay if there is a medical condition or an alternative job that you are comfortable doing. Look into it but I hope you're better now.
I should also add that it is discriminatory for an employer not to allow you to do a job because you are pregnant. If this continues consult a lawyer!

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