severe pains this morning :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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gosh well last night i was really really emotional and panicing and crying at everything and anything even though there was nothing to be upset over which is soooo unlike me. felt stressed out n had to spend 30 mins in loos at work composing myself on my break. i got home from work at about half 12 and was exghuasted so went to loo then to bed to sleep. i didnt wake all night unlike me and woke at 7am absolutly busting for the loo i ran to toilet n just made it, did a number 2 washed hands, but also then as i got up got a really really bad pain, in my stomach not in my womb or lower down but accross the middle like someone was squeezing me i could feel some trapped wind so i guess it could of been that but it felt more muscular i hobbled bent over double back to bedroom where hubby awoke to find me in a really odd position on bed groaning. he wanted me to go docs but i said no blood and didnt feel like baby more like a muscle spasm, so made him get me a hot water bottle i eventually managed to lie down about 30 mins later and fell asleep shortly after with hot water bottle awoke later and pain has gone but still had a slight ache in my stomach after staying led down for a while it went. i have no idea if this was muscular or if this was wind that was trapped or what, iv just been to the loo n this time was a bit well diarriaahh shall we say which i do seem to get off and on do you think that maybe it was just trapped wind? or could it be muscular and im off to work in a bit on a nother long late shift, just a little concerned, could it be because it was so long going to loo waiting that muscles spasmd? x
Hey hun hope ur feeling better :)

I've been getting pains and when I go to loo feel so much better! I've also have loads and loads of wind which means must have alot of it and think the pain is trapped wind! There's no harm in popping to ur GP to ask!


Hey Hun,

I had the same pains at around 7 weeks aswell they were really bad and scary so i completely understand why your worried it was horrible! The thing that used to help me was just sitting on the toilet bent over. I spoke to the midwife about it and she says it's normal to get pains as long as there's no bleeding everything should be ok so dont worry to much :D

My pains continued once/twice a day for around 2 weeks and i havent felt any pain since everything so far is fine with baby- good luck with everything! xxx
When i was in my first trimester, i discovered theres lots of pains no-one ever tells you about but when you see a gp/mw its all normal! I used to get a really sharp ripping pain on my right hand side that felt muscular if i sneezed, and i ended up doubled in pain, i was distraught, turns out, it was round ligament pain. Theres a ligament underneath your uterus that needs to stretch to accommodate your growing uterus and baby, sometimes it pulls like mine did when i sneezed, and it happens to be really painful.

I also had corpus lutam (spelt something like that) which is quite painful too, resulted in a trip to the out of hours doctor because i thought i was having an ectopic pregnancy, i wasn't, its fairly harmless. There are loads of aches and pains that are normal, even if they feel like they shouldn't be.

However, if you are in doubt or worried, please see your GP (or your midwife if you have one yet), its much much better to be safe than sorry. If they can't tell what it is from symptons, they'll often send you for an early scan so they can see what's going on. If it turns out to be nothing, then at least your mind is at rest.
I had these too. Still get them from time to time. I found it was IBS and trapped wind. If it get unbearably painful though, like it takes your breath away you should go to the doctors. Better to be over cautious.xx
Thank you everryone uv put my mind at rest xxx

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