Setting up a business online


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I was wondering if anybody on here has experience of setting up a website and working from home? This seems like a good plan with small children. Just wondered if anybody has successfully done this and can share experiences? Any help or advice would be appreciated. :D x
It really depends on the sort of thing you want to do. How much you need or want to earn and so on. You will be competing with goodness knows how many other online stores so need to consider what you plan to market/sell, how you will supply etc. Do you have a business plan drawn up? Same principals apply to online stores as in the high street.

I run websites but they are not there for the sole purpose of selling things, more to be informative etc. I earn money from them because o Google ads, Amazon affiliate programme and tee shirt sales.

You can spend a fortune paying someone to design a website for you, a sales system and so on but its really easy to make your own, set up hosting and a domain and get it going. No need to pay anyone.
im just setting one up myself.. i know happy chick and paradyso do well from theirs
lisa&alex said:
im just setting one up myself.. i know happy chick and paradyso do well from theirs

what are you doing? What do paradysso and happychick do?
im making nappies and accessories happy chick dpes web design and paradysso is a jewelry designeer and artist ( piss artist and porn star) no i kidding she paints scan photos onto canvas..
lisa&alex said:
im making nappies and accessories happy chick dpes web design and paradysso is a jewelry designeer and artist ( p*ss artist and porn star) no i kidding she paints scan photos onto canvas..

Woa, what busy mummies you all are. :cheer:
lauramumof2 said:
lisa&alex said:
im just setting one up myself.. i know happy chick and paradyso do well from theirs

what are you doing? What do paradysso and happychick do?

Im a web & graphic designer :)
i run 2 business's 1 online and 1 eco friendly cleaning company/domestic management :cheer:
I am trying to, I've got myself a website and thinking about starting the actual business when baby is a little older.

(Website hasn't been thrown around and doesn't come up on a google search either so it's only viewed when I give out the link). (just a taster) but I have no experience so can't help much I'm afraid! xx

I have 2 websites, both from - it's really easy to use xx
I'd love to work from home via the net, i'm just waiting for the inspiration as i'm not sure what i'd do!
i also use store2go.. suggested by elaine. its really easy to use.. but it is a little restricting. the basic package doesnt let you have your own domain. so i need to upgrade to the premium package.. witch is £60 per year.
Great to see what you are all doing! It's such a perfect way to spend time with LO's and work around them. I currently have a website for private tuition but want to set up a site for my art work. I used to run an ebay shop and sold my art there a while ago. I want to look into this as a serious business. I appreciate you girls sharing info, I know it isn't as easy as just 'having an idea' lol!
dannii87 said:
(Website hasn't been thrown around and doesn't come up on a google search either so it's only viewed when I give out the link).

Dannii, make sure you submit your site to as many search engines as you can (Altavista, Yahoo, Wanadoo, Lycos, AOL, All the web, Netscape, Overture, Tiscali etc etc)

They generally have a submit your site page. Heres googles ... webmasters

Also in your source code you only have a few meta tags. I would use around 20 for cilents which help my search listings.

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